I'm taking Boise
It looks as though the best Bowl Game today will be Boise and Oregon in Vegas.
I'm taking Boisethat would be sweet.
I dunno if the Uni's are uglier here or Indy-Denver thu. nite.SMDHOregon unis are ugly as hell, but holy shit are their cheerleaders gorgeous. Uniforms are fine by me so long as they have cheerleaders like that lol.
I started watching a couple games yesterday and ended up channel surfing instead. I'm glad these players get a reward for having a decent season but these bowl games are really struggling for attention and viewership and relevance.It's an interesting question about spreading the games out, though it's not like folks ever get super jazzed about say the Holiday Bowl, which was long the best bowl pre-NYD.
None of that is new of course. The posts here are reflective of the low level of interest even among rather ardent fans.
Then we get to NYD and there often are 2-3 games at the same time one would wish to watch.
Truth CD if network wonks would just stagger the line up.Advertising/viewer ship/network haul could all be satisfied.That and put the damn National Championship Game on Friday NightsMy brain says OSU's title was on a Friday, is that right?
My brain says OSU's title was on a Friday, is that right?Yes the '03 game was on a Friday Night.That ensures people who have to work in the ETZ can do so.Just too damn hard to do during a work week
I wonder if the Monday is purely for TV, or if fan experience/tourism factors in.
I started watching a couple games yesterday and ended up channel surfing instead. I'm glad these players get a reward for having a decent season but these bowl games are really struggling for attention and viewership and relevance.On one hand Bowls like the New Orleans or New Mexico showcase teams I otherwise don't watch, like Marshall, but on the other hand it's hard to get up for match ups between teams who often open the season (or wait until November if Vs the SEC) getting paid to get blown out by the Helmets.
None of that is new of course. The posts here are reflective of the low level of interest even among rather ardent fans.
Then we get to NYD and there often are 2-3 games at the same time one would wish to watch.
My brain says OSU's title was on a Friday, is that right?Yep.
I wonder if the Monday is purely for TV, or if fan experience/tourism factors in.
Yes the '03 game was on a Friday Night.That ensures people who have to work in the ETZ can do so.Just too damn hard to do during a work weekIs that last part a reference to attending or warching?
I definitely want to do a Vegas Bowl someday; Vegas is at its cheapest this time of year, save New Year's Eve. But will wait until that new stadium is built closer to the Strip. I've been to that Sam Boyd Stadium before, where UNLV plays, and it's way out of the way and in the last of its nine rusty lives.My guess is that when they move the LV Bowl closer to the Strip they will also upgrade the Bowl. It will be interesting to see how that works though because my assumption is that the Casinos don't need additional people for NYE/NYD. Thus, they are probably going to want to stage a major bowl right around Christmas (about a week before NYE/NYD). We'll see how that works out.
The Frisco Bowl last night - by the time I tuned in La Tech was already up by several TDs, but as for the Bowl, I didn't know this was in its first year. Somehow figured it was a re-branding of the Armed Forces or Heart of Dallas Bowls, but turns out it's played in the city of Frisco, in a high school football stadium, on the greater edge of the north Dallas area? How many bowls does that give the Metroplex have now? Four?
Frisco Bowl: SMUw-La Tech
I'm thinking there will be a few schools next year that will be wishing they gave Lanie a look.Pat Jones, former Oklahoma State head coach (Jimmy Johnson's successor) who went on to assistant coaching gigs with the Dolphins and the Raiders and is now a media guy in Oklahoma, said on the air yesterday that he doesn't think Lane Kiffin will ever get hired by a major program because he left Tennessee, USC, and the Raiders in shambles.
Looking at the picture of Frank reminds me of story when Solich (as a FB at Nebraska) was trying to avoid being the lightest guy on the team, so he tied and concealed a weight to himself at weigh-in in an attempt to add a few pounds. It didn't work, he was still the lightest back on the team.
(https://www.cfb51.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fdata%3Aimage%2Fjpeg%3Bbase64%2C%2F9j%2F4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD%2F2wCEAAkGBxITEhUTEhMVFRUXGBcYFRcXFxgVFxcYGBcXGBcXGBcYHSggGBolHRUXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKBQUFDgUFDisZExkrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrK%2F%2FAABEIAOEA4AMBIgACEQEDEQH%2FxAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQYAB%2F%2FEADsQAAEDAgMFBgYBAgUFAQAAAAEAAhEDIQQSMQVBUWFxIjKBkaHwBhNCscHRUoLhFSMzU2IUcqKy8UP%2FxAAUAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA%2F8QAFBEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP%2FaAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A%2BqOKVquR3FK1XIFqrkq9yLXclHvQVqOQHFXe5AJQezLxeqSoQEzKMyYwGAfVMNHUnRblD4bAILnE8rQfZQYOHw1R%2FcaTz0C1MNsR0jO4cwJnzXRsa1sQBO4BTlM6DqgSpbDpC%2F5JCONls%2FiPJHeYEn01UjMb6ct%2FigRqbEpEaR0KzcVsBzbtOblEFbriUCpjCPpP76Sg5ithXs1aQqtculOJDxEW3yLDzCWfs%2Bm7u%2BmnPkgx2vRqb1bFYXI6NyqxqBlhUyqtVgglpRmFDCJTQGa5Ea5DAVmlAWVC8CrBAJ6UrJpyUrlBn1yk3FNYhJVCgo8oRKvKqgqtDZmy3VTOjd5%2FSJsTA53SWy0ceK6xlBrRAAA5WQDwWFZSGVvjvRatcAShvdEAC3GVi7VxsQBuM9Y9lBuPrixQqmMHG%2F5XP0MS6od4gXPDoOKOxjh3IHM3POEG7h3k96x4b%2FFEqVADGp4C5SOCBAEk9d5TcDpPgSgCX1HCzQwcyCT4AQEKjWnV7CQRMTbkbi6ayfyE%2BKRxONLR3JGhALez1vr0lAeoWA3H56lQ%2Bp%2FG%2FwDV%2FfVKYU03R3hF738CN3knW0aYvDd%2BgFuN9yBOtVzC7XDq0u%2ByWe2NR0I0P6T7ssQXNFxADz5bkJ1B0HK0D8%2BOqBcBSrOpFu%2BRxmYPBUzILK7Sg5ldr0DDSrhBaUZpQXVxKoCrtcgBUSVdaNVZ9cIM6ukaierhI1QgGVZjSTAFyqwtLYlMF9919J9%2F2QdPgKApsDRu3%2FdWrV7KM1rX6JTFjrKAFfGRmPp1v%2BCsJ9QueZ36eP8A8Rq7jJHSPDTzugUBBk%2BA4oH6ENEW97z5Jv54NtI1PPgs8m499FIdp70QblGpzufJoTlIWkW5nVc0cXA6%2BUfoKcJtGtXflp90Wc%2BxiInK02nmUHQBlMmR2j%2FIy7y%2Fsoqkgd5o4SMo8pSpaJLG1CX6m9mjnw3c1LhlMg5jwEAnjJNz0CCG0yCSGUyOO%2B%2FvxQqlcOhppuJ3ZQQPM2UP2hQ0%2BYyT9IvPIkBWpYpjQezk16W6bvcICUcIxoDo03El0c5J1TPz2gTe3h91l%2F4j24sXWytFp62njGkotV50%2BXv%2Bkh0XFyT3f%2FqB11RrhxSmMoRcaflIVsa2MrHNzTJkSZ3aiE5gazz2XQ5pGsgEeEBADKpCLUZCoGoCMCO0ILQjMHNBcNRAxVaEQIFqlYJKtUQ6iXe9BWukqiJUeUu96CFt%2FD7JzmOAWCXLofhh3ZeOY%2FKDXc%2BNDoNOXms1%2BNBMfcj8FXdtDK9zHmw0IEt6Ega30us84ukXGHff8WQMGhLrx4aBXGCE2C9gqwdpuWpRpTdBi43DkCyRbUjqF1NfDSsTF4GCbIM3Eixnf%2B0fDYvKG06PZAE2MF0Rv3SbT1S%2BKmIWfVJs0EtBsY38ufig6rC0y9nypiZzmnYNB17brl%2FMT%2BVWpgWUm5adIFoAz1HGTbhvJMmTbVKYGuwMDKZIA1yRJO4Zp38eSeq0ZgdlsDTtOOm55%2BrndBh0W5nFtKkxgBu67stvqcbC24JbHVm5iBUdVdEmCAwRqdNI3TaAmdoYqgwmkAHP%2BoDP8vTuw0EE24xNzdc8WHNkHamIDA0np2bW6oNbCV9QewNM4JE31lpmPd1v0Hik0F9ZuQ91jWwXcMpLpPUrntl4bO7K7feDy4Rcm3DwWjUwmV5eXtBNg3fAA%2Brd5DoNADL6bnnM8wSZgiCOAtqi0Kr2mDlPnpwWeDaC4EdZJPUlBLC3uP13Gxnlu8EHUVBN%2BKDCrseq51GH94OIvrx99UZwQVajMKEAERoCArSEUAIbQEVoCDFqpOqnKqTqoFKhS70eql3FAJwWrsCu4OIGh1WWVp7BcM%2Fl9wg2jhaZDrPlxLie7qTNzA8Fi45jGmGMAFyIuHDjIK6THsYe80Gxub%2BQNisnGtBu1mnElsEjcIkeCBLAF0iAD1MEeS6rDV8wWHhH5rNAHG8uPWFu4VtoQGcUDEMBGiM4JZ74QZOKwmb35rMqbO1BPlqt6oPfVBc1BzxoPaMosN24deZ6pJtXLOp4zN%2Bo0Mx9109SlKy62DcTEkdOGiBWq%2BmQ0VOyLgU2MaYBsYBytEg6kHkjYPCspy4ue1pnIBkpuI3ZryfAIlDBZZtE6kAT5m6M3DM3DqSASd2uvqgDT%2BU1vYBDjwJBHO%2BqBWaXXDYgdZ6labcM0aK%2Fy%2FVBjNqiRIHjPpCO2q0k93oLmPE3VdqYUgZgJ6LOoXJkQQeMeyg6X4fYGGqwEkBw8CZ9FpOKS%2BHKP%2BVmOribnUgW%2Fa0HMQBzIjXquUK7GhAZrkUPQWhGY1BiVErVTNQHglaiBSolnBM1Eu8oBkLQ2E6KoWfKf2Q6KrDz9lB02Lr5dA57iQQ0Ra0TO4LL2gyJ7RDjZpcXOEcBESZtf1VdqV3SQ1wM6honTja%2FhxS%2BEpZacy4HVwJtM2J7Vj4IDYPsga679Vv4Z1lztDEA9eQ%2B%2FaK18JUtv6myB6rUCTqvQ6tSLflLvegMXqMyAXKQ9BJAXoVQbqSghwQg1EJVXFBACKCOqCHKQ5BOLEtWFiWCd0i4PL9j7LbxB7KwcTU3jVt%2Ffvcg6bYJ%2FwAlv9Xq4%2F3Tb3pfYrYoM6fckor0FC8KzKiCQvNQOsejMqBJNRmSgDXCz6xTVeqs%2Bs5ACqlXtRnlDKCgorSweyaphwbbnaUrQbLgOJA8yujxe0Cxzg0wGwI3aIMXbj3tPZBAa2Xz%2FwAt9tbiOC5mnXuc0ng3QXP21XWbZearcrwCDcSLgrlsRgiwhpJAFxynhwQdFsl5ygQRxIOXw0stppAG4HrJSWzKeWmBpbonqTSSgVqm8qoCbrYeEBwQCDVf5YUK0oKCmr5bKVMoA5VBaiOUQgHlVXNRDZRCAdZvZK51wkwLkyBHH9rqKosehXNYKm5zgRuOvvxQdlSZlY1vAAeQVHlK4PFEvyTI3nmnHIAKQrKQglqK1yG1FaUHLvrO4oLqhUuchOcghzyqiqVBKhxQGp4hbVap8xzHjR8ZuTm6hc24LU2HVkObOha8eBh3ofRBrPhxhJ4nC5sotLXTpu69YTGCrxUe067k1g6PzL2ubeCBqlQMQE1maxsuRqYgLB2s18nfwQFxW2GcCVhYna5J7NM%2Bn7SeM%2BeTlYA3mUlXwteBLqk3zRFuBHFA8dq1Qe4USlt129hj18is%2FC4IQ81X1GkABveJJ3kgbkths5MS7xBj10QddTx7XXGh80Z1a0rF2eySAbLcFCAgB%2F1Td5S1fbDW6NJ52A9Uhtd0Zso018ViMpOcB%2FqF03EwI89UHQjbYNgL%2B%2FFGpbRG4Gd6xcPh61ru365T0G9PYWpXYR8xjSOLdUG9RqZgddCsrAU4bG8k%2BAFlpYF8nkkaQioRwn0QN7Dpd5%2FgPytJ5VcHTyU2jlJ8brz3oKkr2ZDc9U%2BYgZBVg9KfMXhVQYDkNyu5yGSgqVSVYoTnILPTWyKobUaTobHobLPc5GpOQdgMDmmdQLOGvJD2NXiAdQ5wd4mxU7J2hnZl%2Bpog8xuKM6mAdLk3KDbhKY%2FD5m80Q14p5uXqkjtAwgy6lBLVaLuI6ELUrVZMwguaCgxn4Zx4DoFWnhXTA81tfKCIxo0sgQ2Zg%2B3MWWrUCtRpwq1UGLj8L2zG9Kswe%2FQreqtB8EE0wgSpscN%2FojhiKaYVRZBei2EvSpy4De8knpJRajrH0TGBp3kjuiAUDNZyUqORK77pSo9B5xVC5DfUQy9AcvVc6DnXsyDJcVXOr1QhIJlUeFcQqvcEAVdhVZUOKBzC4osIcDcLo9m7RbVexjgQSYsbTBXGiqm9l4rLWpng9v3CD6E5v%2BW4cCQsZxut9w7%2FAF%2B4Cwa9O54oJUhy80WVXIJc9UoOlwHFVcZKj5RBBGoQaZxDW21KA6oCsDHfOdUEOcxo4AXPOdy0KdUwN537kD2caHegnmkWNeapMnKBEbuvMpx4QXCo9S0rzkFaVLM4D3AWgQGiAl8C27jyAVsTUQLV6iRqVVNeolHOQXe9UzqhKqSgLnVmuS8q7SgTfUCGXpbEFzTDg4ciCPuhCsgbNRCfVVNUNzCgsasKrqyDUYVQNN0BH1VNGtBB8fJL3KvTplB9icbnm0H35hY9cXIWhQfFOlO9rQfFo%2FKzMTqfFBBO4IZJU0t8Lz7BB4WVvmJWrXAEkgAbzuS52tRb9WbpogarvnihBrtygY557rI391xVmYh50YZ%2F7XIChxlGzAhJVsa%2BkJeLTFwNfArzNpU3QBYnd%2BUDbVNQobFWq7%2ByB3DGGzxJ%2FSVxdVEMwAAT0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Great pictures of Fearless Frankie.
Builders made great progress this week, specifically the framers. Getting our first snow of the season this morning. May have to check out a bowl game for once today. I missed MAC weekWhen is the move happening?
The team that can run and stop the run will win many battles.What's more impressive: Before the game, SDSU was 8th in rushing yards allowed per game (3.5 a carry) and 12th in rushing yards per game (5.5 a carry).
~ Sun Tzu
Pretty bleak slate tomorrow.I was tied up the last couple days and didn't see this, but this schedule was bleak to you? Brand really does guide how we watch this sport.
Birmingham: Texas Tech - South Florida
Armed Forces - San Diego St - Army
Saving the best for last...
Dollar General - Appalachian State and Toledo; the battle of the two teams that have recently orchestrated monster Michigan upsets.
What's more impressive: Before the game, SDSU was 8th in rushing yards allowed per game (3.5 a carry) and 12th in rushing yards per game (5.5 a carry).You betcha. And remarkable is good in the case.
What Army's staff has done is flat-out remarkable.
Nice crowd in ft worth for armed forces bowl. Game could be under 3hrs.
Breathtaking final drive for Army.Yes, it was.
We pulled the plug on family bowl picks this year after about 35 years. It's a shame.We expanded ours this year, up to 14. But limited it to 20 bowls instead of the full schedule. I kind of like removing the games where you can't name a player on either team.
I might catch a little bit of UCLA ksu, but would rather watch the world Jr hockey tonight instead of these bowls.
Back from last night's Cactus Bowl. A more entertaining game in person than it probably was on TV. We sat in the mostly K-State section, and the momentum shift favoring the Wildcats in the second was quite palpable. Jed Fisch, UCLA's OC/interim HC brought a great game plan that got UCLA a ten point lead going into halftime, but as has been a problem for UCLA all season, eventually the Bruin front seven wore out and ground-first team like K-State controlled the second half.Good report. I caught the game on radio and TV. Classic K-State/Bill Snyder football game. His teams aren't the most talented, but they play hard, fundamentally sound football, and they don't quit. That 98-yard drive to clinch the victory was classic Bill Snyder football.
As the first time I've been to a KState game, their fans were great. More knowledgeable than the UCLA base, more into the game, and not at all arrogant.
As for the stadium, Chase field where the Diamondbacks play made for a better than expected venue. We had good seats between the 30s on the K-State side of the field, and attendance was high, but the biggest thing to overcome in playing a football game inside of a designed baseball stadium will always be how the seated fans see the field. Sitting on the home dugout side of the baseball field, the view of the home plate area was clear as the sight lines area designed as such, but it wasn't so clear when looking into the outfield where the football action took place and you have to look across the shallow seating of too many heads in the way to clearly see the outfield. Our section did a lot of standing. And there's also the issue of the seats being too offset from the sidelines, so that though the seats are low to the field, they are far away from it as well.
Good report. Game was ok on TV, so long as you muted it. They spent more time talking about Rosen (obviously in street clothes) and the MFING nfl draft than they did the game. Espn is so tone deaf on its in game production the last few years. KSU fans are good folks, and were always great hosts in Manhattan.Yep. K-State has good fans. It was good to see them get to cheer Wild Bill on in what may be his last game.
Your comments on the ballpark for seating are quite apt. I spent a lot of time selling peanuts, etc at County Stadium, and they used to host a few Packers games each season. The low pitch of lower decks is a deathblow for viewing football in a baseball stadium. It barely mattered that both teams were on the same sideline (on the outfield side) All the best football seats (bleachers, 1st base upper grandstand/upper box) were the crummiest seats for baseball.
Back from last night's Cactus Bowl. A more entertaining game in person than it probably was on TV. We sat in the mostly K-State section, and the momentum shift favoring the Wildcats in the second was quite palpable. Jed Fisch, UCLA's OC/interim HC brought a great game plan that got UCLA a ten point lead going into halftime, but as has been a problem for UCLA all season, eventually the Bruin front seven wore out and ground-first team like K-State controlled the second half.I gave serious thought to head over to the game, but it was to see Rosen play since there is a good chance the Browns may draft him. Once I heard he wasn't going to play I decided against it. Thanks for the report
As the first time I've been to a KState game, their fans were great. More knowledgeable than the UCLA base, more into the game, and not at all arrogant.
As for the stadium, Chase field where the Diamondbacks play made for a better than expected venue. We had good seats between the 30s on the K-State side of the field, and attendance was high, but the biggest thing to overcome in playing a football game inside of a designed baseball stadium will always be how the seated fans see the field. Sitting on the home dugout side of the baseball field, the view of the home plate area was clear as the sight lines area designed as such, but it wasn't so clear when looking into the outfield where the football action took place and you have to look across the shallow seating of too many heads in the way to clearly see the outfield. Our section did a lot of standing. And there's also the issue of the seats being too offset from the sidelines, so that though the seats are low to the field, they are far away from it as well.
rooting for the Horns tonightMan it must be cold in NW Iowa to cause you to post that. Though Mizzou hasn't been likable for quite some time.
rooting for the Horns tonightI always knew you were a closet Horn.
what the hell was with Tom Herman mocking Missouri QB Drew Lock's TD dance? Don't get me wrong, Drew Lock looks like a grade A douche every time he does that dance, but he's a 20-21 year old kid. Herman is a grown ass man in his 40's. Shouldn't be mocking a college kids TD dance.the same thing with him bragging about sending his sr's out with a winning season and a championship. you went 7-6 with a texas bowl win. have some self respect and acknowledge it was a good end to a disappointing season. surely texas isn't happy with that.
the same thing with him bragging about sending his sr's out with a winning season and a championship. you went 7-6 with a texas bowl win. have some self respect and acknowledge it was a good end to a disappointing season. surely texas isn't happy with that.I don't think his first season was disappointing at all. It was his first season, and a complete rebuild job. He was never going to come in there year 1 and go 11-1 or 12-0. That thing was a mess that was going to take time to clean up.
I don't think his first season was disappointing at all. It was his first season, and a complete rebuild job. He was never going to come in there year 1 and go 11-1 or 12-0. That thing was a mess that was going to take time to clean up.agree with most of that to an extent.
He went 7-6 in his first year and his team took 3 top 10 teams- USC, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State down to the wire. He lost those 3 games by a combined 11 points, and 2 of them were lost in OT.
The only real dud was the loss to Maryland. But it was the first game of the season and his first game ever as head coach. I guess I'll give him a slight pass, just because of the fact it was Game 1.
The guy has the #3 recruiting class in the country, and will finish with at worst a top 5 class after all the LOI's are in and he might even challenge for #1 if he pulls off some flips or gets some unexpected signings.
Future looks pretty bright in Austin to me. Herman just needs to grow up and stop acting like a douche.
what the hell was with Tom Herman mocking Missouri QB Drew Lock's TD dance? Don't get me wrong, Drew Lock looks like a grade A douche every time he does that dance, but he's a 20-21 year old kid. Herman is a grown ass man in his 40's. Shouldn't be mocking a college kids TD dance.If I could post the .gif here I would, I was dying of laughter when I saw it. I like Herman more now than I did before.
MSUs passing game is an absolute mess.Stanford feels the same way about their two headed excuse.
Stanford feels the same way about their two headed excuse.Aside from the one pick Costello for Stanford has actually been great. That TD he threw earlier was beautiful.
Such a crap target call. The guy (Scott) could not have done anything, short of bailing on making the play, to avoid that. No win for the player, the way the rule is written and enforced.Worst part is that he misses the first half of the opener next year I assume.
Is that a Friday night game against some team with a long name?Utah State
Isn't the B1G favored in pretty much all of its games? Most years the B1G are dogs (and often sizably so) in the majority of the bowls.Yes. I posted about it the other day (last post on page 4 of this thread, updated here to include MSU's win):
I don't think they'll keep up the pace and go 8-0, but I think 6-2 is realistic.
I hadn't really noticed this until now but Ohio State missing the CFP may have really helped the B1G overall in bowl match-ups.A lot of it is due to not getting a team into the CFP. In the first three years of the CFP we had a team in. Those three teams (tOSU 2x and MSU) went 1-2 in their semi-final games and I believe they were all underdogs.
The conference is already 3-0 and I believe that both were favored. For the remaining games (lines from the Worldwide leader):
- #21 NU is favored by 7.5 tomorrow afternoon against n/r UK
- #5 tOSU is favored by 7.5 tomorrow night against #8 USC
- #9 PSU is favored by 2 Saturday afternoon against #11 UW
- #6 UW is favored by 4.5 Saturday night against #10 Miami, FL
- n/r Michigan (no line given yet) Monday afternoon against n/r USCe
The B1G team is higher ranked and favored in all of our games and I think that missing the CFP has a lot to do with that. If the Buckeyes had made the playoff and everyone rotated up one slot we might be underdogs in all of our bowls.
Here is hoping for an 8-0 bowl record!
Wow. I'm actually starting to feel bad for the Pac. They are gettinbg killed this bowl season.Yeah it's not good but all things considered it's not that bad either.
Yes. I posted about it the other day (last post on page 4 of this thread, updated here to include MSU's win):A lot of it is due to not getting a team into the CFP. In the first three years of the CFP we had a team in. Those three teams (tOSU 2x and MSU) went 1-2 in their semi-final games and I believe they were all underdogs.Yep. It's been one of my regular gripes since the BCS started. There were a lot of years where the B1G would have a representative in the BCS championship and then the next team up gets slotted up into the Rose against the PAC champion, and every other B1G team would be slotted against one level higher of competition.
ASU with an onside kick dumb enough to make me think Herm has already taken over.ASU has actually converted 3 onside kicks this season, on 4 attempts. Given the success rate I can't be too mad.
Belk Bowl is going to take 6 hours. Enjoy Northwestern-Kentucky onlineit's on espn2
WF and A&M love some defense, huh?Holy crap, nine straight possessions ended in either a turnover (2 fumbles by Wake, 1 INT by aTm), or points (2TD's and a FG each).
Part of me thinks that A&M will get a FG to send this to overtime, but that assumes Wake can stop them from scoring a TD in 2:18. I don't think anyone can make that assumption.
Thorson injured, clutching his knee after catching a pass on a trick play.Crap, cart coming out
Some of us laid 3I'd rather have the push. Cost me two points
Kentucky's best player just got ejected for shoving an officials hands off of himWas a ridiculous ejection imo.
Sounds like Denzel Ward gonna sit this one out #gulpCan't say I blame him if he sits. He's a 1st round lock. Nothing to gain and everything to lose with an injury.
Can't say I blame him if he sits. He's a 1st round lock. Nothing to gain and everything to lose with an injury.No doubt. But I was looking forward to seeing him one last time against a great team. Also not looking forward to seeing his replacement
Looked like he got boned on spotMaybe. Was close but I think was right call to stick with call on field from replay. Not clear enough to say one way or another.
On top of us all knowing that a lame duck coached team won't be motivated, the opposite was easy to call for NC State. Dave Doeren just signed a bloated extension and because of that I knew he'd have his squad motivated for at least this game.
Bruce Snyder lost the 2000 Aloha Bowl, Dirk Koetter lost the 2006 Hawaii Bowl, Dennis Erickson lost the 2011 Vegas Bowl, and short of a miraculous comeback Todd Graham will likely lose the 2017 Sun Bowl.
B1G is 5-0!!!And the last three teams are favored if I’m reading it right.
I'm not in love with any of these guys at qb, but people going bonkers over this Darnold tape. Peyton Manning was humiliated in his final college game. RelaxYeah it was only one game but this kid has had turnover problems and he's only been a starter 2 years. Peyton was a starter 4 straight years didn't turn it over quite as often, he was far more efficient and advanced than Darnold but clearly less physically gifted.
A pro Trump PAC running a pro Mitch McConnell ad during the TaxSlayer Bowl promoting Mitch as America's real tax slayer wins most surprising moment of bowl seasonExplain? link to ad?
Refs just handed Iowa State a TD by overturning an INT with a phantom roughing the passer call.Well dang it. Missed it, I saw the interception, flipped it back to see Miss St score on Louisville, then see your post. How phantom was the call?
Well dang it. Missed it, I saw the interception, flipped it back to see Miss St score on Louisville, then see your post. How phantom was the call?I mean there was contact, but it wasn't that late, and it wasn't a tackle. He just sort of bumped him a second late. There either needs to be more contact than that, or terribly late, and it was neither. It was minimal contact, marginally late.
Explain? link to ad?I mean wasn't the OP an explanation of the ad?
Not too shabby of a start Nits.yeah it looks like they are pulling away from Washington.
Rosen doesn't have nearly as many WTF was that moments.I'd love for this to be on the back of football cards as a stat.
Wisconsin is doing to Miami exactly what they did to Michigan - letting their opponent get their early punches in while sticking to the game plan and taking over once the emotions of the kickoff wear off.two major things happened to change that game.
I'd like to know what happened there with Richt. And yeah, he should be gone.There were two bad missed calls against Wisconsin, but you are going to be on both sides of missed holding calls every single game. If coaches got that mad about missed holding calls youd see that reaction every game.
7-0 B1G!Ouch. I'll try hard not to root against ttun.
Michigan will screw it up but 7-1 is still really good!
There were two bad missed calls against Wisconsin, but you are going to be on both sides of missed holding calls every single game. If coaches got that mad about missed holding calls youd see that reaction every game.Or a turnover chain that should have never come out?
Or a turnover chain that should have never come out?That was a horrible call, but I knew right then the karma was going our way after!
Great season for Big Red. 13 wins for the first time ever and beating Miami for their first home loss is pretty damn good. Being down 14-3 made it even better.
Paul Chryst... Pure class and a great coach.
Ouch. I'll try hard not to root against ttun.I don't usually root for Harbaugh, but when I do it's because I picked them to cover and could win some cash
Congrats to Wisconsin, great win. Great season. Lots of young talent coming back next season.
I had one too many beers and yelled U Rah Rah and On Wisconsin at a few random problem in UW gear. I regret nothing.Atta boy!!
7-0 B1G!Hurst is playing and Peters is starting QB. If they lose to a mediocre Scar team that just fired its OC, will be a bit of an embarrassment IMO.
Michigan will screw it up but 7-1 is still really good!
Nick Nelson in the locker room after the game...not the most classy pic, but the Canes probably deserve it
And speaking of him.. I'll start an offseason thread now.
apparently Miami has turned Richt into a thug.... which is an impressive feat.should have been tossed
And even with all of that, they have a better resume this season than Alabama does by every rating service worth its salt.
The Badgers desperately need Iowa and Michigan to be Top 15-20 opponents or they will face a louder contingent again next year on their schedule. 3 non conference games in Camp Randall against 2 cupcakes, and 1 pushover.
The Badgers desperately need Iowa and Michigan to be Top 15-20 opponents or they will face a louder contingent again next year on their schedule. 3 non conference games in Camp Randall against 2 cupcakes, and 1 pushover.hopefully, Frosty can turn the Huskers around quickly. Maybe not top 15, but top 25 would be nice.
And even with all of that, they have a better resume this season than Alabama does by every rating service worth its salt.I called BS on espn after OSU's victory. They claimed 'bama had the 4th highest strength of schedule and deserved to be in ahead of OSU. But I thought they had the lowest of any of the top 10.
Not much they can do about the helmet thing though.
That had to hurt Sam.After much reflection and in the Spirit of the new year - Go Blffppt,hold on I new at this,GO Blecht,,,wait a second it will come.Okay here it goes - GO BLUE!There I said it :67:They have one job
does Harbaugh know offense?He's got two OC's, each of which make $1.15 Million Dollars. So, M is paying $2.3 Million for the OC position.
or does he simply need an O coordinator and get out of the way?
I've been calling BS on ESecPN since they got in bed with the SEC. And yes, I DO think they have influence over the playoff committee because all of the games are on their network. Money talks.What kind of influence? They paying them off? I see this alluded to all the time. What exactly are we accusing the people on the CFP and the execs at ESPN of doing?
Going into the CCG there was "very little separation" between the #5-8 teams in the rankings. And then after the CCG's, during which one of those teams (OSU) beat the #4 team (UW), all of a sudden it was clear that Bama was #4.
Yeah, OK.
Look at the very bottom of this page, where they show the partner organizations in the playoff.
One of those is NOT like the other.
Too late to cancel the Peach Bowl and fly UCF to New Orleans to take Bamas spot?Nah. Just take Georgia and Bama out and put Big Red and Ohio State in. So there.
What kind of influence? They paying them off? I see this alluded to all the time. What exactly are we accusing the people on the CFP and the execs at ESPN of doing?What exactly?
Michigan better hope the next savior works out for empretty obvious it's the offensive coaching staff. Drevno and Hamilton have to go.
7-0 B1G!Good call.
Michigan will screw it up but 7-1 is still really good!
How does the Pac 12 exploit that zero playoff team card?Poorly.
What exactly?Then what? The committee presents its rankings to ESPN and they tell them what they would prefer to see for ratings purposes? These are successful, strong willed people. Why would they sign up to do this if they were just going to take marching orders from ESPN? I don't get it.
Influencing what is on television later today would be a start.
Payoffs are highly doubtful. I'm not going there and I don't think anyone here has/would.
Do we really need to talk about how when you have 2 playoff teams, the rest of the bowl slots get the next worst team down?The SEC has feasted on favorable Bowl match ups thru the years.Yes the top two are impressive however
And yes, when you have zero playoff teams, you better have a great bowl season, because you're sending teams that are one step up of their slot...
Do we really need to talk about how when you have 2 playoff teams, the rest of the bowl slots get the next worst team down?How about we talk about one conference having two playoff teams when it shouldn't have any?
And yes, when you have zero playoff teams, you better have a great bowl season, because you're sending teams that are one step up of their slot...
Quick scores in the Rose Bowl. Don't think that will lastThis stopped being the Rose Bowl after the National Anthem and Flyover.
Anyone hear of defense?I saw enough earlier today. I don't want to see any more of that today.
I saw enough earlier today. I don't want to see any more of that today.That was not defense. Just BAD offense.
The SEC chants can be put to bed until at least 2020. When u get exposed like this it's safe to say the committee screwed up. UCF, OSU, Wiscy or someone deserved a shot. SEC has been Bama for 5 years now, and even they are not elite this year.Sort of agree but Iowa man
Sort of agree but Iowa manIowa beat Iowa State. OU did not. Cancel? Or, at least, some lucid thought?
Poorly.Zero teams in, two teams in. Literacy, illiteracy. Pac 12, SEC. Crappy conferences come in all shapes and sizes.
a bit chilly for camping
propane heater was working?
Exposed.... Huh... Somebody needs to watch the game a little more.The teams look pretty evenly matched to me. Close game, all anyone could really ask.
Exposed.... Huh... Somebody needs to watch the game a little more.I am.
This is not football. This is crap.Ssssplain?
Great game.Nope.
I think badger came down with a case of OAM disease, where the sight of offense and especially scoring cause high blood pressure, heartburn, eye twitching, and sometimes aneurysms. Unfortunately once infected with OAM disease one is unable to discern the difference between two very prolific offense playing spectacular (like this Rose Bowl) or defenses just playing like crap.Stop it.
Grand Daddy of them All.It used to be great, just like my Grand Daddy.
Great game,that 3rd and 2 play call (sweep to the short side of the field) was really dumb.
I thought Riley got super conservative last 4 drives, 2 reg 2 OT.
Ur defense sux bro, play to win. Couple first downs with 3 mins to go ices it, 3 timeouts 55 seconds
Then 3 straight runs in first OT? Easy to 2nd guess, but I thought they were just trying not to make a mistake.
Credit to UGA, their D got torched, but offense showed up
Do we really need to talk about how when you have 2 playoff teams, the rest of the bowl slots get the next worst team down?This isn’t really accurate mathematically.
And yes, when you have zero playoff teams, you better have a great bowl season, because you're sending teams that are one step up of their slot...
The SEC chants can be put to bed until at least 2020. When u get exposed like this it's safe to say the committee screwed up. UCF, OSU, Wiscy or someone deserved a shot. SEC has been Bama for 5 years now, and even they are not elite this year.No, no....the game is 60 minutes! (and more)
OU offense abused everybody this season. Uga made some great adjustments up front, tackled better and did benefit from some odd play calls down the stretch. That was not asu v TT.Yeah, I have no clue what OU was doing on offense in overtime. It was so odd.
Yeah, um, it's all on the same scale. You can't play good defense while giving up 50 points. Oklahoma's defense was garbage all night - UGA averaged 10+ yards per carry ALL NIGHT. Georgia's D was an embarrassment in the first half, but then fixed things for awhile before falling behind again.It's like offenses are never allowed to be good or gawd forbid - great even. Nope, even if you're playing a Heisman QB behind one of the best OLs in CFB you absolutely better not let them score over 20 or so help me gawd your game will be instantly demoted to the "not football" judgement bin!
Neither DC is feeling good at the moment, nor should they. Neither defense combated the run or the pass. Neither caused multiple turnovers. They stunk.
It's like offenses are never allowed to be good or gawd forbid - great even. Nope, even if you're playing a Heisman QB behind one of the best OLs in CFB you absolutely better not let them score over 20 or so help me gawd your game will be instantly demoted to the "not football" judgement bin!The hell? If a team has a good offense or plays well on offense, cool. A good defense will negate it, and offensive team will score an average number of points. A great offense is going to score more than average, but if it hits it's season average or more, then NO, the defense they faced didn't do a good job.
Nice to hear from OAM disease's patient zero.
The hell? If a team has a good offense or plays well on offense, cool. A good defense will negate it, and offensive team will score an average number of points. A great offense is going to score more than average, but if it hits it's season average or more, then NO, the defense they faced didn't do a good job.Another side effect of OAM disease - crankiness/irritability.
How is that hard to swallow? How am I being absurd here?? Go ask UGA's DC if he felt successful tonight. Ask their MLB. They know they didn't do a good job.
You're defending the allowance of 48 points being a worthy effort and I'm patient zero? EFF you.
Another side effect of OAM disease - crankiness/irritability.I know all of that....why are you posting? I can share my opinion without being......I don't even know what you're doing. All I said was that both defenses stunk. I don't enjoy that type of football. OH NO! OAM opined!!! Blast him!!!
You know not every clash of great offense vs great defense will or should result in an average score. I know this may sound crazy but sometimes a great offense will get the better of a great defense, maybe even make a great defense look downright foolish. And sometimes a great defense will shut down a great offense. Neither outcome is more “real” football than the other. That’s why they play the game, they say.
I know an all-SEC NCG is everyone's nightmare, but can everyone avoid losing their minds? A minimum of pouting would be nice, too. At least Bama and UGA haven't played this year, which is nice.I wouldn't say I'm losing my mind
You're not losing your mind, I'm just anticipating others.Helps if you leave out the other conferences. This was settled on the field. The B1G was the best, and Central Florida went undefeated and beat the team that beat both of these teams. The "championship" game is just another exhibition.
This isn't a variety show, it's a playoff. Settled on the field. The diversity was potentially there, but OU and Clemson lost, so......I don't know what to tell ya.
Sometimes, the 2 best teams are in the same conference. Most of the time, they're not. But as we move from 2 to 4 to 8, the best team is going to win the NC less and less often.
Helps if you leave out the other conferences. This was settled on the field. The B1G was the best, and Central Florida went undefeated and beat the team that beat both of these teams. The "championship" game is just another exhibition.My sentiment is similar.
My sentiment is similar.Alabama is the team that gets mulligans. Not sure that even Georgia, Auburn, or LSU would get the same benefit of the doubt.
SEC teams get mulligans. The rest do not.
Alabama is the team that gets mulligans. Not sure that even Georgia, Auburn, or LSU would get the same benefit of the doubt.This might be but the fact Bama presently puts more players in the NFL every year gives them the benefit of the doubt IMO
I know all of that....why are you posting? I can share my opinion without being......I don't even know what you're doing. All I said was that both defenses stunk. I don't enjoy that type of football. OH NO! OAM opined!!! Blast him!!!It's like you're new to message boards or something. Yes, you're merely opining that the very sanctity and purity not the game of football is violated and tarnished every time two teams reach a combined score of 50 points. I'm opining that's kinda stupid. Differences of opinion, but that's what message boards are for.
Unworthy 4 seed Alabama, after beating #1 Clemson, is an early 4-point favorite over UGA.I'll watch the FCS championship on Saturday, but my CF season is over. From the BCS to the playoff, a certain conference gets the second chances others do not...
This goes to show that resume is PART of the selection process. Quality of the team (coaches, roster talent, etc) is also a part of the decision. This shouldn't be news.
So if Alabama loses 3 times they still get in? If Alabama played UCFs schedule it still gets in?
Resume should be priority 1, 2, 3.
Credit to Bama for taking advantage of their opportunity, one that wasn't given to 2015 for example. I mean if coaches, roster talent means something
I love reading these threads after games.That's how those Russians felt after the Winter Olympics
Gonna go take a shower and wash the salt off now.
Happy new year everyone.
I'll watch the FCS championship on Saturday, but my CF season is over. From the BCS to the playoff, a certain conference gets the second chances others do not...It isn't a conference thing. It's a helmet team thing. There are still a lot of people who think Ohio St shouldn't have got in in 2014 or 2016. Teams like Ohio St and Bama get the benefit of the doubt.
I've read all the excuses... when a team loses, quality of wins, strength of conference, eye test... whatever is needed to ensure someone gets in over others. I'm not suggesting Bama is a bad team, but that resume at Wisconsin doesn't get them into the playoff. And that is my problem. Different rules for different teams.
Maybe this will force a 8 team playoff.... but this really is no different than the BCS beauty contest.
so I will vote by not watching. Hopefully things change with extremely low ratings.
I love reading these threads after games.I don't necessarily have a problem with Alabama being in the final 4 - the first 3 picks were cut-and-dry, but someone had to be left out. OSU got beat by B12 champ OU - at home, and completely wet their pants @ UI. Wisconsin couldn't get it done in the B1G CCG, but may have been able to sneak in had their schedule been tougher. USC wasn't really all that close to a playoff berth to begin with, and it showed in the Cotton Bowl.
Gonna go take a shower and wash the salt off now.
Happy new year everyone.
Good call.Thanks. Never, ever count on the Wolverines.
7-0 B1G!
Michigan will screw it up but 7-1 is still really good!
Hurst is playing and Peters is starting QB. If they lose to a mediocre Scar team that just fired its OC, will be a bit of an embarrassment IMO.Told ya.
I think Peters has a nice game and Michigan wins. He needs to if he wants to hold onto that QB job going into 2018 bc Patterson is coming in hot to take that job.
As an aside, is it safe to say that the upcoming title game will be one of the lowest-rated ever?I don't think it will be THAT low rated. When the BCS put Bama/LSU in I did not watch. I just didn't care because I thought it was ridiculous.
Unless u have a dog in the fight, my prediction is that non-SEC fans will likely be unhappy that an SEC team is guaranteed to be the national champion and won't really care about this one
I'll probably have it on in the background but definitely won't be watching every single play with the utmost of attention
I guess I'll be rooting for Georgia just for variety's sake .... also, that Bulldog mascot is a cute little guy (or girl?)
Wisconsin couldn't get it done in the B1G CCG, but may have been able to sneak in had their schedule been tougher.UW's schedule was tougher than Alabama's, and UW won its division and played a very good team as a result.
I don't think it will be THAT low rated. When the BCS put Bama/LSU in I did not watch. I just didn't care because I thought it was ridiculous.I'll watch it because come May I'll wonder why I ever even debated not watching the final college football game of the year.
This time Bama and UGA earned their way in. I want to see who wins.
I love reading these threads after games.Happy New Year and good luck to your team.
Gonna go take a shower and wash the salt off now.
Happy new year everyone.
I enjoyed the playoff games yesterday.At least UCF beat Auburn. :57:
I will also be watching next Monday evening. I'll be rooting for the Dawgs
I may be on the road to Texas and miss part of the first half. If the Sooners were playing Bama I'd probably try harder to see the entire game.
This is what you get with a playoff. Ya get a team like Bama winning the trophy when their reg. season effort wasn't deserving. The wildcard out of the SEC gets a trophy and makes the conference another heaping pile of $$$.
will only get worse if the playoff is expanded to 6 or 8.
I'd have rather given UCF a chance, but UCF was no more deserving than Bama, or tOSU, or Wisconsin, or USC
If Bama didn't deserve to get in, then who did? UCF? Ohio State?agreed - the issue is that UCF, Ohio St., USC, or Bama - none of them deserved to be included, but it's a 4-team playoff, so they had to pick an undeserving team. That team happened to be Bama this season
I mean, there's going to be a ton of bitching regardless who got that 4th spot.
Yup, an 8-team playoff would yield 3-4 SEC teams most years. Then you all would bitch about that....the never-ending cycle. Yeesh.The fairest way to do it is have a 6-team playoff - each Power 5 conference champ and 1 at-large. Most years it will probably be a one-loss runner-up P5 team or Notre Dame, but based on UCF's performance in the Peach Bowl, maybe an unbeaten G5 team could sneak in every now and then.
Some truths:
Wisconsin was never highly thought of....which made OSU's win over them kind of 'meh'
Alabama was ranked 5th and two teams above them lost. Why is UGA leapfrogging them being ignored?
Alabama was #1 all year and blew out #3 FSU when they were at full strength.
The committee has already included a non-conference champ before, why is this time so damning?
We can include preseason polls or not, but before the season started (or in late OCT, same difference), Alabama was viewed as the best team. They 'proved' that with their win vs FSU.
As with anytime the #1 team loses, they move down the rankings. However, as with any #1 team losing, they then start moving back up to their 'default' position. Regression to the mean for the #1 team is back up towards #1 (unless they lose). Believe it or not, this isn't all that much about Alabama at all. Say USC was number one and lost on OCT 1. They'd drop down some, but then what? Would a bunch of teams start leap-frogging them? No. They were highly thought of (as per their #1 ranking), and would start moving up gradually as other teams lost.
The fact that we're talking about the end of the regular season and the fact that big, bad Alabama is from the evil SEC is why it's such a chore. I wish I could say I'm surprised.
It doesn't seem to bother any of you for being so predictable and small.would it bother you less if I was unpredictable and large?
The fairest way to do it is have a 6-team playoff - each Power 5 conference champ and 1 at-large.what's fair about the 1 at large?
what's fair about the 1 at large?It's fair because at least all power conferences are represented. If they lose, hey, at least they had the chance to compete for the natty. Sort of like "well my candidate didn't win, but at least I voted"
that's what Bama was this season - at large non-con champ
It's fair because at least all power conferences are represented. If they lose, hey, at least they had the chance to compete for the natty. Sort of like "well my candidate didn't win, but at least I voted"I have said for a long time that an expansion to eight teams is essentially inevitable. Futhermore, I think that when it happens it will be:
And 6 is a much less awkward number than 5 for a playoff. I guess they can put Notre Dame in the playoff every year and the whole country can watch them get soundly beaten year-in, year-out until they man up and join a conference.
Those complaining about Alabama/Ohio State need to do their research. In the early Nov committee poll, Bama was #1 and OSU was #9. You're telling me from that point on the difference between their outcomes was enough for OSU to overtake Bama?Yes. OSU won their conference and Bama won a lot of nothing. It's not really about Bama - they are obviously a very good team. It's about making sure the season matters. Alabama simply didn't do anything on the field to earn a shot in the playoff, and they got there by virtue of being Alabama. That's great if your Alabama, but sets up a situation where it's unclear what games matter. Games that don't matter make for terrible experiences as fans. This year, the playoff is not legitimate, because the committee screwed it up.
It's silly. And hey, at least I didn't use 'deplorable', right?
Those complaining about Alabama/Ohio State need to do their research. In the early Nov committee poll, Bama was #1 and OSU was #9. You're telling me from that point on the difference between their outcomes was enough for OSU to overtake Bama?I don't disagree with Bama being the choice and yet I do disagree with this logic. In November and December Ohio State beat #12 and #4 and won a P5 Championship. Bama beat #19 and #16 and lost to #6.
It's silly. And hey, at least I didn't use 'deplorable', right?
As I said, the issue is certain teams/conferences have more excuses given to them than others. This is still the beauty contest that was the BCS.Or BCS + 1 format, if you will.
either way, some will watch, some will not. I think the ratings will be low personally.
It's not resume or most talented, it's a combination of both.2 conferences play 8 games. One of them is where Bama plays and the other one is where Clemson plays. They either need to change that up to play 9, or the others need to go back to 8. That would be a start at least.
The real issue here is how conferences crown their champions. 16 or 14 or 12 teams - every team doesn't play all the other teams. In-conference scheduling is wildly uneven, which is the big issue.
It's not resume or most talented, it's a combination of both.That's for each conference to determine. Before conference championship games, the tiebreaker rules in a conference could get all sorts of haywire. Even now, conference division championship can be weird when you have a year like the OSU/PSU/Michigan year where all three finished tied 7-1 in conference play.
The real issue here is how conferences crown their champions. 16 or 14 or 12 teams - every team doesn't play all the other teams. In-conference scheduling is wildly uneven, which is the big issue.
2 conferences play 8 games. One of them is where Bama plays and the other one is where Clemson plays. They either need to change that up to play 9, or the others need to go back to 8. That would be a start at least.Moot point if they automatically bid every P5 conference champion, is it not? Then we don't have to ask whether a team that plays 8 conference games has a weaker schedule than one that plays 9 conference games.
Those complaining about Alabama/Ohio State need to do their research. In the early Nov committee poll, Bama was #1 and OSU was #9. You're telling me from that point on the difference between their outcomes was enough for OSU to overtake Bama?the first poll or the 2nd to last poll don't matter a damn
when you have a year like the OSU/PSU/Michigan year where all three finished tied 7-1 in conference play.This NEVER happened. The Wolverines have never so much as tied for a divisional championship and haven't won a conference championship since current freshmen were in kindergarten.
If Ohio State was #1 and Alabama was #9 in early November, would it be wrong for Bama to overtake OSU? Sure. It's too much ground to cover in such a short time, given what each team did.This logic makes no sense to me. What if Ohio State had a back-loaded schedule and went undefeated through a bunch of cupcakes in September and October then went 1-3 against opposition with a pulse in November. It would make sense for Ohio State to get overtaken then wouldn't it? The same applies in reverse.
would it bother you less if I was unpredictable and large?This is true. Absolutely NOBODY can best a Husker fan at posting in BRF.
I can post in huge fonts
Those complaining about Alabama/Ohio State need to do their research. In the early Nov committee poll, Bama was #1 and OSU was #9. You're telling me from that point on the difference between their outcomes was enough for OSU to overtake Bama?You are asking me to take early committee rankings as having any value.
It's silly. And hey, at least I didn't use 'deplorable', right?
As far as the title game I think UGA has a chance because they are more balanced on offense.you DO have to be a great team to stop bama- without qualification. good but not great RB's? they have no less than three sitting on the bench that would start @95+% of other schools... UGA run right at them? there has been one instance this season where a team found success doing that, and that was MSU (though Auburn did it to a degree because of the outside and passing threat).
I don't think you have to be a great team to stop Alabama. They have 1 WR, no TE, good but not great running backs and they'll run their qb 20 times. If I'm Georgia I'd be pissed if I gave up over 20 to this Bama team.
UGA just needs to run right at them, hit some play action and don't give Bama a short field with turnovers.
It might only take 17 to win.
Could be a good game, but seems destined to be a low-scoring defensive type fest. Would have been a great SEC championship game. Now it's just an also-ran.agreed. would have been a great conference championship no doubt about it... it is beyond stupid bama made it in.. the only blame to be placed is on a game that happened november 4th- and choose whichever team you want from that event. i'd much rather see tOSU playing UGA, but.... damn.