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Topic: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse

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HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« on: May 02, 2019, 10:55:32 AM »

With sadness & a crushed heart in sharing this news, our longtime poster from the Big 12 boards has passed this week.  Hooky was truly the life of the board at many times, especially treating us with tales of his often-scandalous and always-amusing experiences, as well as his perspective, knowledge & understanding of our favorite sport.   

He was a bit of a guiding light when it comes to off-topic conversations, and whenever he bent the path of a conversation it felt like everyone was good with following the curve of the topics and continuing the banter in any direction it went.    He was captivating, witty, entertaining, personable, and truly one-of-a-kind.     There will be many more feelings & words I may put forth in this thread, but I wanted to start it off and mark a place for him in this unfortunately-needed Memorial Board to honor the spirit he left in our community.   

My heart is with you, Hooky, and I'm grateful to have met you a few times and give you some Texas-size hugs in the past.  I wish I had been there for you more than ever in the past few difficult months, but know that your influence & light in my life will never flicker away.   
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 01:07:19 PM by UT-Erin03 »


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2019, 12:35:21 PM »
I'd like to send flowers for his services in the name of the board and forum.  Can you send address if you can?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 12:41:31 PM by Drew4UTk »


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2019, 03:35:39 PM »
A few pics from the 2007 CFN Board Meeting in Austin.


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2019, 05:59:19 PM »

We will miss your banter, your insight into what's truly important in life, and your special way of making people laugh 'with' you, at themselves, and along with everyone else in that peculiar way only you could.  You will truly be missed, Sir.
the Big XII / CFB51 crew, one and all

yo @charliehorse... when you're done entertaining the Angels, feel free to drop in and observe... please don't respond, though, as that'll put the freak on us- but sounds just like something you'd do.  

this tiddy bitty token pictured above is heartfelt from everyone here who ever had the pleasure, Sir, as inadequate as it seems. 

Fair winds and following seas, Sir, may your journey be eventful in the best possible way, and keep a light on for us for our own inevitable approach.  


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2019, 06:20:41 PM »
You've said it so well Erin.  A beautiful tribute to a wonderful soul. 

Since I heard the news last night, I can't stop the tears.  For more than 2 decades on the "back porch" I've been enchanted by Hooky's loquacious charm, the hilarious bashing of each other's favorite football teams across the Red River we both enjoyed, his wild tales of raucous youthful adventure (that always leave your jaw dropping with a "wow, and I thought *I* was crazy"), the occasional dalliance into social and political issues (but rarely to the point of acrimony with the other side), and the deep love he had for his "ics&a wife" (one of the many phrases he coined and we all ended up using - his "indescribably cute sweet and adorable wife") and his ever growing boys.

The storyteller.  That was his nickname.  I've never seen anyone on this board or anywhere else who could tell a better story than JCG/Hooky Hornstein/Charley Horse.  He was the master.

And, I always felt such a kinship with him.  Like a long lost brother.  I'm sure others have felt this too with Jon.  This past fall, we shared with each other the health nightmares we were each quietly coping with - this extremely rare, terrible, and untreatable disease that just hit Jon out of the blue, and on my end the horrible and also rare blood cancer that my own ics&a wife has been suffering from since 2014.  In every communication with Jon, no matter what he was going through, he always signed off by expressing concern for my wife, and that he was praying for her.  Putting aside his own pain and praying for us.  That's JCG.

When I heard he was in the hospital for emergency surgery, ending up with over a month of hospital stay, I sent him a photo of my son and I, Sooner fans that we are, wearing orange (actually I found that I own no orange clothing! so I could only manage a white shirt, holding a piece of orange paper in front of me in the photo with the words "Hook 'em Jon" on it) and both my son and I with hands raised into Hook'em Horns signs.  I told Jon I'd cheer for Texas until he got better, so he'd needed to get better real soon. 

Crushingly, that didn't happen, and so this year, out of tribute to Jon, because I love him more than I'll ever love a football team, this Sooner fan is cheering for Texas in the RRR.  It's my own silly tribute, but I know Jon would appreciate this.

Hook'em Jon!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 06:31:16 PM by CousinFreddie »


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2019, 07:38:05 PM »
CF - nice write up and spot on,best wishes to you and yours also.You might be going a bit to far rooting for the Horns though(not that there's anything wrong with that).But Slick as 94 reffered to him might view that as patronizing.I'm sure he'd just urge you to get back to the froth ASAP.He'll prolly just interfere with your TV's reception or cause the beer fridge to malfuntion just before the RRR
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 01:13:10 PM by MrNubbz »
"Let us endeavor so to live - that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." - Mark Twain


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2019, 07:53:21 PM »
MrN - no doubt - I’m sure HH wouldn’t want me to permanently switch.  That would be no fun.  

But he was happy with the photo of my son and me with the Hook’em Horns up for him - said he loved it.  

I feel like I owe him this tribute (silly as it is).  Things will get back to normal in ‘20, but for me ‘19 is Hooky’s year.


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2019, 09:59:49 PM »
Wouldn't mind the Horns making a run at the hardware.CFB is better with them in the mix
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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2019, 10:03:52 PM »
A few pics from the 2007 CFN Board Meeting in Austin.
Hi Erin on the bottom photo wouldn't mind the names on those faces if you get the time.The guy on the far rightwith the glasses looks like Hyde on the 70's show
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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2019, 08:40:47 AM »
Hahahha, YES!!!   that's ElTigreRex (and I told him he looked like Hyde the first time I met him), who put together a slideshow of every board meeting he attended and sent them out via email to the members who were there each year.   I was able to easily find them in my emails to get these photos yesterday with a simple search, and I DO have one with the poster names.     

Thanks to him for taking the time to condense our captured memories, I have the treasures of several years that include posters who have left us.    I feel one day soon I'll start one of these threads for LittleBigMatt & Gatorama because this Memorial Board wasn't on my radar when they had passed and I have fond memories & great photos of those beloved posters as well. 


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2019, 10:17:41 AM »
@Drew4UTk   thank you so very much for sending the arrangement on our behalf, as well as the swag-bag when he was in recovery from the surgeries.   As I'm sure we all hope it can provide a small comfort to his family that is surely deserving of this kind gesture, it's particularly awesome that you were able to make it happen and you are a true friend for that. 

Jon sure did like a good prank, so that part of your post made me smile through the tears.   You are certainly a huge part of why this community still thrives and your personal efforts this year are appreciated & fully noted. 


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2019, 01:16:32 PM »
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^what Erin said.Erin nicely done on the pics - thanx I had 4 pegged,probably from previous pics years back.Gatorama - he said he resembled Spencer Tracy,fearless,CD and HH
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 01:49:53 PM by MrNubbz »
"Let us endeavor so to live - that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." - Mark Twain


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2019, 02:51:58 PM »
I still remember when Hooky and the rest of the CNN/SI "back porch" crew found the old CFN board spring of 2003. I had only discovered the board a few months prior myself and up until then the Big XII board was pretty desolate, so the new life that got pumped in was a welcome relief. Right away Hooky stood out as one of the funniest posters on the entire CFN board. He had such a talent for humor and storytelling that I've always been quite envious of. 

Aside from generously giving laughs to all who read his posts, Hooky was still quite the knowledgeable, and feisty when he needed to be, Longhorn fan. His knack for wit and storytelling also served him well when it came time to defend UT from the attacks from aggies, sooners, and huskers alike. 

And who can forget the many psueds?

As I said on the thread in the Big XII board, I consider myself damn fortunate to have been able to share the same message board as Jon for these last 16 years, and his presence will be greatly missed. My heart goes out to his friends, many of them fellow posters here, and especially his family. RIP JCG. 
I thought I settled my debts that night on the ride home
But I have still got hell to pay


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Re: HookyHornstein / Charley Horse
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2019, 10:09:15 AM »
Funeral services are always an emotionally painful event no matter the circumstances, but I felt compelled to get over to this one to pay my final respects and take the last chance I'll have to let JCG's wife & family know how much he meant to our little community and extend my sorrow for their loss.  It's doubly awkward to show up to a funeral where I don't know anyone and essentially introduce myself as an 'internet-friend', however Mrs. JCG had been in touch with CousinFred so it wasn't going to be a total shock. 

After quite a stormy night, I got up before the sun did and was on the road to the hill country to meet at the gravesite where our friend would be laid to rest, joined by his family, friends, and pastor.  The day turned out to be absolutely beautiful for a road trip and an outdoor service, somber as the reason for it was.  The flower arrangements were just gorgeous and the tags had been removed so I was not able to verify which one was from our group, but I know it was there among the displays of floral offerings to honor JCG's beautiful soul.  I especially loved the large orange flower display just off to the side.    There was a large portrait on display, including an easel holding a longhorn hat as well as a hat below that and another hat that was in the casket to be buried with him.  We knew him as a man with many hats, and that was definitely on display during this memorial service as well. 

The pastor had spent quite a bit of time with JCG while he was in the hospital, as well as before the recent downturn in health had begun, and confirmed that he had renewed his faith in Christ and had been appreciative of all the blessings he received & grateful for the protection of God during his hardest days. 

Pastor described JCG just as we all knew him - as charismatic, devoted to his family, always sharing his bright smile, and so memorable that when the nurses who cared for him found out that he passed, they immediately broke out in tears.  He talked about how in-tune he wanted to be as a father & husband, including having a tradition of 'brown bag dinners' every Wednesday where JCG would take turns with each son to see what they wanted for dinner those nights and planned the family meal based on their decisions.    Overall he stressed that JCG was a powerful force and inspiration to so many of all walks of life and that no matter how or where you knew him, he was someone that would inspire you to be a better person.  It's true for me.    Pastor also said that part of JCG's last wishes was to have a fried chicken dinner and invited everyone to the church where the family attends for the reception.  I couldn't pass that up (mostly because I skipped breakfast and was famished, but I also needed to pull my emotions together before I approached Mrs. JCG).   

After drying the tears & getting myself to the church, the spread with fried chicken, potato salad, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad & cole slaw was a welcome site.  I made my plate & sat alone in one of the empty far tables as everyone else found a seat as well.  A group came to sit with me shortly and turns out the lady who sat down next to me is JCG's older sister, and he was her baby brother.  I got to chat with her a bit about what he was like growing up with, and she said he was always cutting up, making jokes, and making sure everyone in the room was having a good time.  It was pleasure chatting with her, as well as meeting her (grown) children & her grandchildren that were all there.

After the meals were eaten, I worked up the nerve to speak with Mrs. JCG and gave her a huge hug.  I explained who I was and that I wanted to extend an offer for any help they may need, especially if the family set up a memorial fund for the boys college, healthcare recovery, or even a charity close to JCG.  Told her that there were people all across the country that were mourning this loss right along side her, and that we all sent our love.  I don't describe many people as 'larger than life' but that is how I saw him and expressed that to her, that he would never be forgotten, and that he had touched way more lives than those physically in attendance that day.  She was very appreciative, gracious, and is such a strong woman that I'm so very glad I had the chance to have that conversation and give her a warm embrace (even if I was a complete stranger to her). 

His sons are so handsome, tall, and resemble JCG so much, and while I didn't talk too much to them directly, I did shake their hands and let them know we were sorry for their loss and that their father was a great man.  They had many friends around them, so hopefully there is a strong support group to help guide them through the upcoming years that will no doubt be difficult to adjust to without such a wonderful father in their lives.

Overall it was a touching & moving tribute to a man that has left a lasting presence on this board, to all who had the pleasure to interact with him, and to a character that can never be duplicated.  I'm glad it was within my means to make it to this burial service and truly hope we all can continue to share memories of JCG & keep his legacy alive with the lessons, quirks, jokes, & positive spirit he instilled over the years. 

« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 10:23:49 AM by UT-Erin03 »


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