Today I was reminded of something I hate: poky a-holes.
Poky a-holes sounds like poking a-holes, but that’s a horse of a different and... (drum roll please) we’re not going to get... in... to that, right now. SWIDT?
Poky a-holes is the ax I want to grind.
In life we go at different speeds. Sometimes in a motorized vehicle or on foot we have to slow down to accommodate the slower (aka poky) ones. It’s ok.
And sometimes in life we encounter a-holes. It can be disheartening or entertaining. Thing about a-holes though is that they’re honest with their feelings. It’s ok.
But poky a-holes. The mix is too strong and too hurtful. Let me tell you what I mean.
A car pulls out in front of you and slows you down while there’s no room to pass. They’re poky but they’re not actually a poky a-hole until you see them look right at you in their review mirror and take thir foot off the accelerator to go even slower.
Or you’re coming out a door of a business as someone else is coming in. You step aside to be a gentleman. There’s a smile on your face and no malice in your heart. But the the recipient of your kindness perceptibly slows down. Now they’re not only large but they seem to have acquired a temporary limp. Poky a-hole.
You’re driving home through your neighborhood at 25 or 30 miles an hour. You don’t want to run over anybody. A couple in their 60s are jaywalking so you ease to a complete stop as they slow their pace and give you the stink eye. Poky a-holes.
Where do these people come from? Why are they so hateful and ugly?
Back in the day, back on the Easide, young brothers would occasionally strut slowly across the path of traffic. But they always had big shit eating grins on their face and a ready laugh when they made you chuckle. You could tell they meant no harm they were just having fun.
Now it’s folks of all colors. Milfs in Hondas, elderly people, middle aged folks young couples.
Rude, poky a-holes angry at people just like themselves for just doing the same thing in the same place at the same time.
What has this world come to?