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Topic: You Know What I Hate....?

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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #630 on: September 17, 2018, 02:26:31 PM »
I finally took BC's advice and "wifed the broad."

Never listen to me if drinking is not involved.

In any case, I'm sure you made a great choice.  Congrats.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #631 on: September 17, 2018, 02:34:34 PM »
Fred, you have an excellent memory.

I don't have a story to rival that, but I do have one almost as old.

In 1992 my family moved to Macon, GA for a couple years.  In 1994 I was 15 years old, was kind of a gangly kid, and had a weird sense of humor that most people didn't know what to do with.  It didn't help that I was "not yet out of my shell" as my mom put it.  One of my best church friends, Dennis, was a couple years old than me, had a car and was usually nice enough to drive me around.  He was also very nice looking and had a charming personality, and girls generally were attracted to him.  

One day a 17 year old girl came for a few weeks to visit family at that church, and she was drop-dead gorgeous, I thought.  Well, we all thought.  There wasn't a boy in the youth group who didn't slobber over her.  We had some very nice girls at our church, and of course they were nice enough to ask her to socialize with us, and of course all the guys were more eager than usual to be in on it.  But of course Dennis had the easiest time talking to her, because he had an easy time talking to everyone.  She wound up going out with us several times, but--it seemed inevitable--she rode with Dennis and he got to take her around and spend the most time with her.  Because he was usually my ride, I wound up in the backseat a few times feeling like a third wheel, but I didn't care.  I was just enjoying daydreaming about being two or three years older so the girl in the front seat wouldn't think I was a just a kid.  And about being very handsome so she'd notice me more.  And about being comfortable enough with myself to talk to her.  And about knowing what to say if I could talk to her.  I really liked my friend Dennis, who at that time was more like a big brother to me, but for that couple of weeks I was kinda jealous of him.  He remarked to me several times how gorgeous she was, how smitten he was, how he wished he had the means to keep up with her after she left, or that she would move there.....all I could do was agree with him.  

She was from Beaumont, TX, and I think I only remembered that because it's rather close to where my family comes from in Louisiana, and I thought that was a small world....me growing up in Baton Rouge, this girl from near where my folks originate and where I frequently visit my grandparents, but meeting way off over in Georgia.  

But the moment passed, she was gone in a couple of weeks and despite the time I spent around her, I'd barely gotten two sentences out.  When not visiting her family, she'd spent most of her time with my buddy.  Not long after that my folks moved to southwest Louisiana, and I remember thinking how that was close to Beaumont, and maybe I'd see her again sometime.  

But I never did.  I continued growing up, slowly becoming less awkward, perhaps more personable--never losing my odd sense of humor that I still swear most people don't get, though--and finishing high school and then college.  In those years I became a bit of an in-demand musician in my area, particularly in churches.  I spent a lot of time in Beaumont for the next 9ish years meeting people, playing music, chasing girls, and I always remembered her...I knew she almost certainly was affiliated with one of the churches I had connections to...but I never saw her again.  Life went on.....I moved to Austin, thought I would be married a few times, but things didn't work out for various reasons, then eventually moved back home, and she.....well, she married fairly young.

To an asshole.  

Three years ago the miracle of facebook suggested via mutual friends that she could be "People you may know."  There was no mistaking her, she looked exactly the same to me.  So we dated for a while and then as BC put it, I wife'd the broad, 24 years after wishing I could get a girl like that.  I consider it a win for awkward teenage daydreamers everywhere.  

I still see Dennis on facebook sometimes, and more than once I've had an overwhelming urge to send him a message to the effect of "HA!  I GOT THE GIRL!!!!"  

Confirming my suspicions that I was utterly unspectacular as a kid, my wife doesn't remember any of this.  She remembers the trip to GA, vaguely remembers Dennis, and me not at all.  


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #632 on: September 17, 2018, 02:59:19 PM »
I looked at that post and swore I wouldn't read it.  It was too long.  

But I thought I ought to at least read a few lines.   It went left, it went right.  It was about Macon, Georgia, and youth groups and car, some dude named Dennis, and a Beaumont and Facebook.  It zigged, it zagged.  It corkscrewed.

Before I knew it I had read the whole thing and in the end I was overcome by a sense of hmm like I haven't felt since Paul Harvey went off the air.

That was truly extraordinary.  I'm glad I read it.

Now I'm thinking I should go back and read Fred's TL; DR post too.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #633 on: September 17, 2018, 03:09:50 PM »
Okay I went back and read Cousin Fred's post verbatim.   I was shocked to learn Alex was female.   When you first introduced the cousin as Alex, I assumed she was a guy.  

You know what happens when you assume.

It wasn't until you said the guy who came for Alex was taking her out until I shifted gears and realized the juxtaposed comparative relationship was this instead of that.  

Very tricky, Cousin Fred.  You're a regular Mark Twain.  You had me reeled in hook, line and sinker.   You dove you.

I want to hear more about the parrot.

And the two pretty young female cousins, with boyfriends (one uncouth and one a foreigner) reminded me of an Argentine movie I saw on Netflix not long ago, called "Desire."  You should check it out.  I love the house it was filmed in.  I want that house or one just like it.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #634 on: September 17, 2018, 03:11:57 PM »
The story teller in me feels compelled to spin a yarn but I can't top those two.  They were both beautiful and magical.

Thank you for sharing, Cousin Fred and Amos.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #635 on: September 17, 2018, 04:29:18 PM »
fake news:


I long for the days when we just reported things..


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #636 on: September 17, 2018, 05:00:45 PM »
fake news:


I long for the days when we just reported things..

The wife and I chuckled over that one all weekend.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #637 on: September 17, 2018, 05:10:09 PM »
I've always enjoyed Mike's odd sense of humor
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #638 on: September 18, 2018, 02:54:11 PM »

Why is it that no vehicle built this century can be driven with the back windows down and the front windows up without making a helicopter sound?

I don't remember this being a problem with 1965 Chevy Impalas.

What has this world come to?

I hate buffeting.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #639 on: September 18, 2018, 03:12:07 PM »
some smart guy will tell you in great detail

I assume it's because cars made this century try to be very aerodynamic for fuel mileage and when the back winder is opened it causes turbulence.

I can usually combat that horrific noise by opening the slider rear window of my truck.  You know, the one that is usually used to grab beers out of the cooler in the truck box.

Remember when kids were allowed to ride in the box of a pickup?  that was some good clean living
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #640 on: September 18, 2018, 05:17:13 PM »
Remember when kids were allowed to ride in the box of a pickup?

1) The "box"?

2) Did they make a law or something against it?

3) I remember my uncle flying down a county road, me and my cousins just sittin on the open tailgate drinkin Fanta Oranges.  Legs just a swingin.  "I'm Your Boogie Man" had just come out and we were singing it aloud.  I have no idea how none of us were thrown off that tailgate.

Country roads, take me home.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #641 on: September 18, 2018, 06:02:50 PM »
us poor yankees call the bed of the pickup truck a box if it has 3 sides and a tailgate

if it's just a flat bed, we call it a flat bed

doesn't really look like a bed, but I have slept in/on one
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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #642 on: September 18, 2018, 08:58:32 PM »
The last few years, I’ve purchased new-for-me vehicles in the spring and took advantage of SiriusXM 3 months free during the dog days of summer.  Thus prompting SiriusXM to send me scores of emails, calls, letters and post cards to entice me with their always amazing “best deal” yet.

Sometimes it is 6 months for $30.  Sometimes it is 5 months for $25.  It has been 3 months for $15 and even 12 months for $60.

I feel like the dude in Green Eggs and Ham.   It’s just unbelievable how they seem to think one deal divisible by $5/month will someday suddenly appeal to me more than any other group of months at $5.

Maybe I should just pick a random amount like $55 and hold out until they guess 11 months.


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Re: You Know What I Hate....?
« Reply #643 on: September 18, 2018, 09:19:51 PM »
In Texas it is illegal to transport anyone under 18 in the bed of a pickup

There are some exceptions to this but Im not going to go into them as Im

a very busy man and got things to do
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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