I still see Dennis on facebook sometimes, and more than once I've had an overwhelming urge to send him a message to the effect of "HA! I GOT THE GIRL!!!!"
Confirming my suspicions that I was utterly unspectacular as a kid, my wife doesn't remember any of this. She remembers the trip to GA, vaguely remembers Dennis, and me not at all.
Loved this. Both the story and the outcome. And, something tells me your buddy Dennis
knows that you got the girl.
That phrase sparks my memory on something else in my past. So, here's another TL-DR ...
The year of my courtship with my Argentine lass in the DFW area had all sorts of interesting encounters with the Latin community. Folks from South American countries may be unfriendly rivals back home, but when they come to the States, they tend to form communities of folks. My Argentine gf had friends from all over - Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatamala, Bolivia, Costa Rica, and a ton from Brasil (including the wife of the couple that introduced us).
So, that year there were all sorts of mini-tests of Latin American maleness that I had to pass, like surviving endless conversations (in Spanish of course, and for me the language was all OJT) at various bars and restaurants, dancing (all Latin guys know how), knowledge of Latin music (also OJT, and my gf was a huge fan of Brasilian jazz, and she led a group in hosting Jose Neto, a guitarist we saw with Flora Purim and Airto, over for breakfast in the wee hours after they played a set at the Dallas Hard Rock one night) ... and so forth.
And in particular there was this one eloquent friend from Ecuador whom we all called El Presidente, because he had such a regal manner, serious expression, and a deep knowledge of politics, history, culture, you name it. He would always address me formally as "mister" as he began to make a point about some failure of US policy or culture, egging me into yet another argument (with a gleam in his eye).
Okay, let me put this another way, my gf was the center of a lot of interest of perhaps a dozen or more Latin American guys in the DFW area (all of whom went to UT-Arl) and now here comes this gringo and just wtf. Not that they ever said this, but that was the tone. And El Presidente led the charge. These subtle and not so subtle tests happened pretty much every weekend, until it was really clear that despite all logic and reason (and me playing out of my league) to the contrary, we really were a couple.
And I have to give El Presidente his due, because whenever I did something he thought was right in terms of courtship, he always gave me credit. One time for example she mentioned offhand that she really wanted to get some plants into her apartment, and so I went to the father of a friend of mine in east Tx who was a master garderner type, and got his advice on what would be the best plants for her apartment (considering the light available etc) and left four potted plants at her doorstep one day with a cheery note of something like "can I come live with you?" El Presidente told her this was a brilliant move. Then another time I brought my guitar and offered to serenade her (all I could do back then was play chords of some favorites, but that was good enough - she loved it) and he once again complimented me when he heard about it, saying I was living up to the Latin ideal of a worthy suitor.
Then fast forward to the time leading up to our wedding in DC, and El Presidente had also moved to this area, and we were out having drinks with him and his gf (whom he married later too), and after having a few and talking about the "old days" in DFW ... El Presidente raised a beer to me and saying, "well, mister, here's to you, because you got the girl!"
Buen hombre, that El Presidente.