CW every other college sport has a playoff (I think) so why not football
If having a playoff means it copies the NFL so be it
lets decide it on the field not in fans minds
No other college sport is like Div 1 FBS football. And no other college sport gets the attention that Div 1 FBS football does. So, to your initial question, my answer is, "So what? If every other college sport were self-destructing would it be essential that FBS CFB follow suit?"
About settling it on the field, in many cases, it's already
been decided on the field. But then it has to be decided again in a rematch. And you have even mentioned this as something to be avoided at practically all costs.
And how is selecting the playoff participants by a committee voting in secret better than the way that the BCS did it, or the way the polls and bowls worked?
Let's look at this year. Does anyone
really think that Cincinnati is one of the 4 best teams in all the land? I ask that because "the four best" is supposedly the goal the Committee is trying to reach.
Cincinnati doesn't measure up, and I don't think anybody really thinks that they do. They're just the nice Cinderella story this year.
Whether their resume (after their CCG) warrants being ranked in the top 4 is a different issue. The Committee only uses resume to explain their decisions when it is convenient to do so.
I do not see the Committee as being objectively superior to either the BCS system or the Bowls and Polls system.
And, as I have said before, I say that as a fan of a team that has gotten the benefit of the doubt from the Committee in previous years.