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Topic: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down

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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #84 on: October 25, 2017, 09:55:19 AM »
I just want the team to throttle Baylor. 

For numerous reasons.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #85 on: October 25, 2017, 09:58:42 AM »
You've really got a hate on for Baylor.  I guess you have your reasons.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #86 on: October 25, 2017, 10:26:49 AM »
I must explain my comment "Mack had me at hello".  Well, he did.

My zeal for Longhorn football was 10 times in those days what it is today.  I was rabid.  I would eat, sleep, and sheet the Horns.  I was proud of myself for attending UT.  It was a great time of accomplishment and fulfillment in my life.

Except for John Mackovic.  He never felt right.  Once it became evident that David Mc's shock the nation tour was a fluke - I was heartbroken.  I knew we had to make a change, but the change (Mackovic) just never felt right.

So we had some ups and downs with Mackovic, and because we are Texas, the downs outweighed the ups.  It became apparent that he too would not be our long-term savior.  So here we go again.

I had my eye on the man at North Carolina.  He was a charmer, he was southern, and he built a winner at a basketball school.  And then AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! EFFING DeLoss takes a shine to Gary Freaking Barnett.  Now by this time, I had come to realize that DeLoss is wrong just about every time he has a thought, it's just that he looks confident when he has one.  And his quips seem to make him look smart.  But I knew he was dead ass wrong about Barnett.

To me, Barnett was Mackovic Part II, and DeLoss was really pissing the sheet out of me for wanting this guy.  Well it turns out some big money Horns felt the same way I did.  Dodds was flat ass overridden, and DKR, Jamail, and Hicks went to fetch Mack Brown.

I cried.  I literally cried like a damn baby.  This is why I say Mack had me at hello.

Yep.  A little pony munching on a kettle of skittles beneath a rainbow.   Kinda makes the underroos fit a bit snugger.  Don't it?
My father and grandfather both worked on campus in menial positions when I was a youngster and brother was a gung-ho Eagle-scout to be who ushered every game so along with Captain Kangaroo, the Uncle Jay Show and my ABCs I was indoctrinated to Texas football.  
As I may've said once or twice before, the first 10 years of my life the Horns won 7 SWC championships and 3 MNCs and never lost a game by more than 8 or 0 points.
I just assumed that's the way it would always be.
I remember throwing up at the 1976 Houston game when the Coogs ended the Horns' 42 game home winning streak by destroying Texas 30-0.  To my sheltered 14 year old mind it was like Pearl Harbor.  I couldn't imagine anything worse.
But somehow the more Texas spent the next 41 years clawing to make things right again, the steeper they'd slide.   VY's 2005 season was like a break in the battle was his part in the wretched life of a lonely heart.
But for me, my paradigm shift came on January 2, 1984.   Craig Curry muffed a punt and 11-0 Texas lost to Georgia.
It was the Horns closest brush with greatness in 14 years and I couldn't even feel the disappointment because - in real life - my wife had walked out on me about a week before.
Up until that time I had been an avid, rabid fan - living and dying by the Horns - emotionally bought into every high and low. 
On that cold winter's day my mind was filled with fury but my heart just didn't give a crap.  Not that day.  Not anymore.
I'm not sure if I grew up or lost my innocence or lost my hope or lost my faith or lost my religion.  Horns have never really been my heart since then.  Just an amusing intellectual interest.  Like sudoku might be for some.
I never felt any passion for or against any subsequent coach.  Sometimes they would inspire.  Sometimes they would infuriate.  Mostly they annoy.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #87 on: October 25, 2017, 10:37:16 AM »
You've really got a hate on for Baylor.  I guess you have your reasons.
I was at the 1974 game in Waco when the Bears came back to beat Texas in the rain.  It was like their first win over Texas in 20 years en route to their first conference championship in 50 years.
The Baylor fans that day were humbled and grateful, crying, hugging Texas fans like myself and thanking us because they were just so grateful their Bears could be a part of something like that.
Over the next several years their fans became much uglier and hateful.
You know, when I was a kid and Texas was killing everybody we were a very polite and patronizing fan base led by Wally Pryor.  Think of Husker fans in the '90s.  We'd applaud the efforts of the opposition and we'd even sit quietly on our hands while their QB barked his signals.  We really used to be like cultured tea-sipping gentry.  And why not?  We were probably going to win by 40 any way.

Then came struggles in the '70s and even more struggles in the '80s.  We took abuse from fans of teams who didn't know how to win.   And our fanbase took names and became uglier itself because of it.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #88 on: October 25, 2017, 10:41:18 AM »
I think Rice may be the only opposing fan base I still like.

Can't stand sand aggy or rape aggy.  Or aggy.

TCU's got some pretty girls.  They're hard not to like.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #89 on: October 25, 2017, 11:29:01 AM »
I guess I find it harder to dislike another team/school.  Respect usually smothers out the hate.

Many love to hate on Notre Dame.  Why?  Because they're Notre Dame.  Which means the hate is only jealousy.  I refuse to hate due to jealousy.  Being a Texas fan, we are on the receiving end of a lot of that.

Sand Aggy I like.  But to be clear they are surrounded by black dirt and cotton, so I've never gotten that.  And of course the stench of oil.

Rape Aggy?  I'm positive that 99.9% of their fan base does not support rape.  And Briles doesn't work there anymore.  So why hate.

Aggy?  Aggy wants to be Texas so bad.  But they aren't.  Their obnoxiousness is borne of 2nd-class complex.  Easier not to hate them once understanding their plight.  Even easier now that they've lowered admission standards.  They are no threat.

Land Thief?  Nah, although they are historically the cheatingest institution that football has ever known.  They've got asterisks running off the page next to their 48 bogus national championships, or whatever the number is.  These guys could be easy to hate, but I guess since they have stuck with us through all this Longhorn Network BS, I can appreciate that.

Horny Frog?  I like 'em.  They came to the Big 12 and earned their spot.  They pulled their panties up and got busy, and that deserves respect.  And then there's the girls.

So who do I hate?  The U.  That's right, Miami.  Except wait, they hired Mark Richt.  Nope, I don't hate them anymore.

So I guess that just leaves me with the Oakland Raiders.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #90 on: October 25, 2017, 11:51:44 AM »
In with you on the Oakland Raiders although the 49ers are a very close 2nd
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #91 on: October 25, 2017, 11:53:34 AM »
When I was a kid I used to hate Penn State.

These were the days before a whole lot of domestic immigration so Texas - even Austin - was filled with Texans.

And these were days before the internet so people lived in silos.

People in places like Pennsylvania were foreigners.

Joe Paterno sounded just like Joe Flynn on McHale's Navy.  In other words, whiny and sniveling.

The '69 Nittany Lions had a chance to come to the Cotton Bowl and settle things on the field.  Instead they opted to whine about it.  

Then, two years later, when the 30 game winning streak was over and Texas had a craptacular team that had had its skull caved in by OU and Arkansas, Penn State finally came to the Cotton Bowl, beat Texas and acted like it meant something.

I was so delighted when Fred Akers took the Horns up the East Rutherford and beat the crap out of Penn State in Giant's Stadium.  In a rare showing of offensive genius or madness, Akers flip flopped his center with a guard that day to give the Horns an offset line.  Looked weird as hell.  Worked like a charm. 


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #92 on: October 25, 2017, 12:27:33 PM »
Joe Paterno sounded just like Joe Flynn on McHale's Navy.  

Nailed that.:)


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #93 on: October 25, 2017, 02:52:42 PM »
I still remember after the 69 game Jo Pa saying the Horns could not have driven the ball 70 yards twice on the ground like they did to ND against Penn St

what nerve
They won't let me give blood anymore. The burnt orange color scares the hell out of the doctors.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #94 on: October 25, 2017, 03:20:55 PM »
In with you on the Oakland Raiders although the 49ers are a very close 2nd
I used to love the 49ers and the Packers back when I played with electric football games.  Their unis were so cool, that red/gold and green/yellow was eye candy for me.
I still think the niners have cool colors.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #95 on: October 25, 2017, 08:03:11 PM »
OU is 2-0 over those PSU-east guys.  I believe I remember Parerno causing a dust up because he dissed Switzer prior to the 1985 orange bowl.  Barry had the last laugh.


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Re: oSu @ Texas - how will it go down
« Reply #96 on: October 25, 2017, 09:40:13 PM »
When I was a kid I used to hate Penn State.

These were the days before a whole lot of domestic immigration so Texas - even Austin - was filled with Texans.

And these were days before the internet so people lived in silos.

People in places like Pennsylvania were foreigners.

Joe Paterno sounded just like Joe Flynn on McHale's Navy.  In other words, whiny and sniveling.

The '69 Nittany Lions had a chance to come to the Cotton Bowl and settle things on the field.  Instead they opted to whine about it.  

Then, two years later, when the 30 game winning streak was over and Texas had a craptacular team that had had its skull caved in by OU and Arkansas, Penn State finally came to the Cotton Bowl, beat Texas and acted like it meant something.

I was so delighted when Fred Akers took the Horns up the East Rutherford and beat the crap out of Penn State in Giant's Stadium.  In a rare showing of offensive genius or madness, Akers flip flopped his center with a guard that day to give the Horns an offset line.  Looked weird as hell.  Worked like a charm.
I still remember after the 69 game Jo Pa saying the Horns could not have driven the ball 70 yards twice on the ground like they did to ND against Penn St

what nerve
My parents were fairly recent Texas grads at that time, and they loathed Paterno.  They often cited this quote which I always thought was from DKR, but is attributed to Freddie Steinmark:

"We could never figure out why they didn’t choose to settle it on the grass in Dallas, rather than from a soapbox in Pennsylvania."

I was raised with that same attitude.  To heck with Penn State and Paterno.


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