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Topic: Nebbie

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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2017, 12:19:41 PM »
I like the Nebraska / Arkansas comparison.  But another thing that is becoming more apparent to me - that some of you have already bemoaned in the past....  conferences are getting too big!  I used to be all jazzed about the 16 team conference, but now I don't know.

Anything over 12 teams is just too damn many I'm beginning to believe.  I know many SEC fans that would happily give back A&M and Missouri to get back to 12 teams.  Hell, conferences used to be 8 teams.

I find myself hoping that the Big 12 actually survives these days, and that a Nebbie or an Arky will consider coming over.  Once Texas rebounds, and hopefully rebrands itself as a gracious conference member (unlike DeLoss), it's not out of the realm that we couldn't hook back up with more P4 schools.

But for Texas to simply join one of the existing 14 team conferences, I'm not so crazy about right now.

Not to get too deep into the realignment thing.. I would like the B1G to go back to 11 and play 10 conference games and 3 OOC games. Obviously Maryland and Rutgers would be the first two to go since they didn't make sense to start with.

The you have to pick one of Penn State and Nebraska. For the good of the Big 12, Nebraska would be the choice.

But it would also be good for the old "Eastern Independents for PSU to anchor a new conference out there, with schools like WVU, BC, VT, etc. It would be a good spot for Maryland and Rutgers too. Even Notre Dame would make sense.

I don't think this high number of schools in one conference is sustainable.

So let's say all conferences go to 11 and the XII loses WVU and dumps Baylor (obviously). You're sitting at 8, so it makes sense that Mizzou and aTm return, along with one more addition between Arky and Nebraska.


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2017, 12:24:21 PM »
What do you cats think about Schlotzskys selling Cinnabons.  Strange bedfellows.


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2017, 12:31:08 PM »
I hate to not answer your question directly, but you opened up an old wound for me.

How in the hell do pizza and chicken wings go together?  We're over a decade into this now.

Who thought of this?  Why do we go along with it?  How come nobody said, wait, what?


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2017, 12:33:34 PM »
B1G should go back to the Big Ten.  PSU belongs in the East with traditional rivals like Pitt.

I'm cool with Cinnabon in Schlotzsky's, makes sense to utilize that oven capacity when it's not producing the Schlotzsky's bread.  I'm not big on sweets so I never buy them, but they smell nice.


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2017, 01:52:23 PM »
I hate to not answer your question directly, but you opened up an old wound for me.

How in the hell do pizza and chicken wings go together?  We're over a decade into this now.

Who thought of this?  Why do we go along with it?  How come nobody said, wait, what?
I'm thinking the Super Bowl is responsible for this marketing ploy.   All snack foods go together at a SB party. 
However, do sometimes order both from our local family pizza joint.  And I use the ranch dressing not just for the wings, but to dip my pizza crust in (like the Papa Johns Garlic Sauce, but much better for breathe).  I am part of this problem, I can see now. 


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2017, 02:14:57 PM »
B1G should go back to the Big Ten.  PSU belongs in the East with traditional rivals like Pitt.

I'm cool with Cinnabon in Schlotzsky's, makes sense to utilize that oven capacity when it's not producing the Schlotzsky's bread.  I'm not big on sweets so I never buy them, but they smell nice.

That would be great, but it's also about as likely as the SWC and Big 8 re-forming.


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2017, 02:23:57 PM »
How in the hell do pizza and chicken wings go together?  We're over a decade into this now.
Probably diversification for outliers.
I never really understood the prevalence and disruptive nature of outliers, until the missus and I had our 4th son.  And the phenomenon was compounded by the fact that the older kids stopped being preschoolers and started being school kids along about the same time.   All I know is that a family of six has an outlier at all times.
You want to eat burgers and the youngest says "bleh.  I hate hamburgers."  Want to pizza, the oldest says, "bleh.  I hate pizza."  Want to eat Chinese food, the second oldest says, "bleh.  I hate Chinese food."  Want to eat chicken and third oldest says, "bleh.  I hate chicken."
It's always something  and so it was for about 13 years.
Now the oldest has moved out the next oldest is never there and we're finding that the younger two are mostly agreeable.  But for a while there, there was always an outlier.  Probably just a numeric law of probability kicking in.
So I can understand the wing thing.  And if you'll recall, I believe pizza places did try pasta for a while.   But who the hell wants pasta to go.  


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2017, 02:36:24 PM »
That happened in my family of only 4, 3 more or less, since dad usually wasn't in discussions like those.  

We had opinions, but mostly we got what we got, often with some speech about the starving children in Ethiopia.  Never did figure out what the hell they had to do with anything.  


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2017, 02:39:26 PM »
I'm thinking the Super Bowl is responsible for this marketing ploy.   All snack foods go together at a SB party.
I would say that the Super Bowl is as good a culprit as any.
But when did Pizza and Chicken Wings become "snack" foods?  Or maybe it's because we don't really have traditional family meals anymore, which of course went the way of the traditional family, while simultaneously ushering in the microwave oven.  We just graze here and there, on miscellaneous varieties of meat, cheese, bread, and processed foods.
Ever notice how veggies have gone by the wayside?  We eat like giant, finicky, 8 year olds now.  Every time I see a commercial for the latest, greatest hamburger, it's just some mound of meat patties, 3 different cheeses, and greasy buttered toasted bookends.  No juicy tomatoes.  No tangy pickles.  No zesty onion.
I thought the Ricky Bobby dinner table was supposed to be comedy, but this is our life.


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2017, 02:43:36 PM »
Outliers.  A natural product of over abundance.


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2017, 02:58:18 PM »
I go out to lunch with coworkers at least once a week and I have to dine out when I travel but the family and I generally eat at home, saving expensive restaurant dining for special occasions.  And I think we probably eat better nowadays than my wife or I did with our families when we were kids.

Growing up, it seems like we ate the same things every week: fried chicken; salmon patties; meat loaf; liver and onions; chicken fried round steak; frito pie; hamburger helper; spaghetti; other various cheesy casseroles.

Lots of frying.  Lots of cheese.  Lots of hamburger meat.  Lots of grease.

Nowadays we eat a lot of salads, grill a lot of different kinds of meat (chicken, salmon, pork ribeyes, skirt steak) and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Some of my favorites are grilled corn, grilled peppers and onions, and carrots sliced and baked.  Those carrot sticks are AMAZING!

I like to think my family eats a lot healthier now than we did when I was a kid.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 03:00:06 PM by CharleyHorse46 »


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2017, 03:11:19 PM »
Growing up, it seems like we ate the same things every week: fried chicken; salmon patties; meat loaf; liver and onions; chicken fried round steak; frito pie; hamburger helper; spaghetti; other various cheesy casseroles.
True, but wasn't there a host of veggies on your plate as well?

And secondly, I think you probably do a better job on the nutritional front than most folks these days.  There is a lot more awareness in and around the ATX in terms of diet, but go outside the 10 mile radius and people are scarfing down 3 squares of fat and grease, with Cheetos and twinkies supplementing the down time.  And let's not overlook today's hydration craze.  Everybody's got a 44 ounce on their person.  And it ain't a V8.

But here's the proof for me - go dig up any 3rd grade class photo from when you were a kid.  Now look at a 3rd grade class photo today.

Pediatric care will soon involve stents.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 03:15:19 PM by BrownCounty »


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2017, 03:22:27 PM »
I would say that the Super Bowl is as good a culprit as any.
But when did Pizza and Chicken Wings become "snack" foods?  Or maybe it's because we don't really have traditional family meals anymore, which of course went the way of the traditional family, while simultaneously ushering in the microwave oven.  We just graze here and there, on miscellaneous varieties of meat, cheese, bread, and processed foods.
Ever notice how veggies have gone by the wayside?  We eat like giant, finicky, 8 year olds now.  Every time I see a commercial for the latest, greatest hamburger, it's just some mound of meat patties, 3 different cheeses, and greasy buttered toasted bookends.  No juicy tomatoes.  No tangy pickles.  No zesty onion.
I thought the Ricky Bobby dinner table was supposed to be comedy, but this is our life.
I guess I'm part of many problems.  My "family" is a happily-childfree-by-choice DINK couple with dogs. Not quite traditional but who is these days!?  And I hate pickles in general, especially on sandwiches or burgers.  ChickFilA is terrible for putting pickles on a chicken sandwich, that's just preposterous!  
As far as snacks go, I don't see why chicken wings aren't a snack if you say Beef Jerky or Meatballs can be considered a snack.  
We didn't even eat a salad with our lasagna last night at dinner.  Although I did have a salad for lunch that day, I obviously am not pushing veggies as a main concern when I prepare dinner.
Problem Causer right here!  :67:
At least I'm not bringing kids into my bad habits, though 


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Re: Nebbie
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2017, 03:34:00 PM »
True, but wasn't there a host of veggies on your plate as well?

And secondly, I think you probably do a better job on the nutritional front than most folks these days.  There is a lot more awareness in and around the ATX in terms of diet, but go outside the 10 mile radius and people are scarfing down 3 squares of fat and grease, with Cheetos and twinkies supplementing the down time.  And let's not overlook today's hydration craze.  Everybody's got a 44 ounce on their person.  And it ain't a V8.

But here's the proof for me - go dig up any 3rd grade class photo from when you were a kid.  Now look at a 3rd grade class photo today.

Pediatric care will soon involve stents.
We ate a lot of canned vegetables growing up.  And yep.  My 30 years in public health probably make me more health conscious than a lot of men my age, I guess.  My wife's always been a veggie hippie.
But you know... the ATX is not immune to poor eating habits.  A lot of my wife's friends in the LCP remind me of the sea lions on Pier 39.  
Sometimes somebody will bring Round Rock doughnuts to church and those of us who aren't particularly tempted will watch in revulsion as those who are particularly tempted snarf as many as they can as quickly as they can as if they're the first Round Rock doughnuts they've ever seen and are likely to be the last they will ever see.  It's as if that brown and yellow box is ample justification to dismiss any thought of shame and turn grown adults into snorting pigs.


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