I believe offensive creeps will demean people (women included) wherever they are - be it a club, a workplace or even church.
And I believe kindly souls who practice the golden rule will treat people (especially women) with dignity and respect wherever they are - whether it’s home or a club or even a brothel.
So it’s not about the venue or the role. It’s about the attitude.
Kindness shouldn’t switch off when we’re behind the wheel, stressed out, at a bachelor’s party or in Vegas.
I will admit I had a moment of reflection the first time I realized I was getting a table dance from a 2nd generation dancer whose mom I had lived with the year before she was born. But hey. The child still has bills to pay and which is better spending six minutes with someone who is kindly disposed to kiss her on the cheek and be done with her? Or some obsessed freakazoid stalker?
For great experiences waitresses and dancers should choose me every time. I’m a nice guy and a big tipper. And I treat everybody with the same detached interest and respect.