Indeed it's Russia's right to murder its neighbors.
I learned that right here on this thread from some really smart stable geniuses.
Who said that it was their right to murder it's neighbors? I haven't seen anyone say that once. And you're acting as if there was
zero provocation by the US which lead to these course of events, that they just up and decided to invade for shits and gigs. Just because. That is not the case. To be clear- there is no justification for this or any other illegal invasion. And no country has a right to invade another.
Any Russian leader would want/need Ukraine as a buffer zone- with Ukraine in NATO- they become literally
indefensible from a NATO land invasion. They'd be
beyond f**ked. They simply put would not be able to halt an invasion. US could've very easily cut a deal to revoke Ukraine's open-ended NATO membership offer- not like they were getting in anytime soon- you know- seeing as they are one of the 10 most
corrupt countries in the entire world. US refused to even negotiate. This leads me to the logical conclusion that the US either wanted this outcome or simply just did not give a sh*t about Ukraine. The US has used Ukraine as a pawn like they do many other inferior states- and Ukraine was stupid enough to buy our bullshit- and despite Zelenskyys pleas the US is not establishing a no fly zone or sending boots on the ground.
Had to show the Russians how big our d**ks are though, right? Just have to prove how tough we are, while Ukraine gets wrecked. How
DARE anyone try to tell us where we should and shouldn't put our
military alliance! How dare they!