it's absolutely sickening and disgusting to be completely frank with you.
Biden admin was asking for an additional $33 billion, so what does Pelosi and the House do? They approve a $40 billion package- $7 billion more than Biden was even asking for- and not a single Dem voted NO- not even the phony "squad" - and of course the Senate will surely agree to this package and approve it in record time. This all happened days after Congress approved and then Biden revived a WWII era "lend-lease" weapons transfer program to "lend" weapons to Ukraine.
US has already sent $14 billion aid package to Ukraine since March. Over 60% of this new $40 billion will be used on military spending/weapons. Essentially just a welfare handout for Raytheon & Friends. Pelosi has the nerve to say bullsh*t in a speech on the floor about feeding people and spouts some Matthews proverbs bullshit- framing it like this package is going for mostly food support- which is a joke. It's not. Very small part of this package is going to help with food supplies. Vast majority is going to WAR and the other largest chunk is going to pay pensions and govt salaries OF ANOTHER COUNTRY- which just also happens to be one of the most corrupt govts on planet earth. There is ZERO percent chance a chunk of this "aid" money isn't getting stolen. Zero.
This funding runs out end of fiscal year- which means come Oct., Biden admin will come running back with their hands out- and they'll get more. March to Sept of this year alone- US will have given $54 billion in aid- most of it military spending. Russia spends about $65 billion for an entire year on defense. The money that the US will give them before this year is over will far exceed that.
Food and supply shortages- half the country here can't even get food for their babies- like we're a 3rd world f***king country- and the govt is doing nothing about it- but hey let's just invent a new $40 billion to add to the $14 billion we already gave another country. It's a joke. That 2Pac lyric is SO true. When it rains and pours, they got money for wars, but can't feed the poor.
Always reminded of this video of Julian Assange....