So what’s the WORST TV we’ve really listed so far?
Ancient Aliens
Curse of Oak Island
“Hacky” cooking shows
Travel Shows hosted by douches
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Outdated Sketch Comedy
I’ll throw another show onto the pile:
I was exposed to Family Guy during its Adult Swim revival on Cartoon Network while I was staying up too late in high school. I stuck with it until giving up around Season 5 or 6 (2006/7?). Too vulgar for kids yet too much of an insult for an adult audience, who was Family Guy’s intended audience? Man-children, I concluded, before steering my younger siblings to better, more age-appropriate animations like Kim Possible and Clone Wars.
Since then Family Guy is one of those shows that’s always on TV, amassing a staying power by virtue of its sheer volume of syndication across Cable, similar to that of The Simpsons and South Park (who despite their equivalent vulgarity are adept social satirists, unlike FG). Going into Season 18 or 19, Family Guy makes such a too-easy target for Cancel Culture that I half-wonder if that’s the reason why Cancel Culture hasn’t bothered to challenge FG. Characters wear “black face,” continually mock numerous disabilities, and maybe most unwatchable of all, its depictions of Asians are so demeaning I’m surprised they’re allowed to air. None of it is funny; the animation sucks anyway.
Anything else? Name names.