maybe you could use different words?
just a thought
I personally think "the masses" are, if not idiots, people who don't have a lot of depth of knowledge, intellect, or interest in developing such.
They're easily led, because they choose not to look beneath the surface of nearly every issue and understand that there are no easy pat answers in the world. And frankly, most of them wouldn't be able to comprehend that nuance if they got there.
They'd rather watch the news and be told what to think, if they care to be "informed". They argue with each other on facebook with a meme-level of understanding of issues, and their arguments are more a vision into their own identity of who they are rather than an actual analysis of the world. They think they're informed, but they're not.
And many don't even do that--they're completely uninformed, only caring about what the Kardashians are up to, or reading People magazine, or what's going on with their favorite sports teams, or just playing video games.
My view of the common man is not particularly flattering.