past 14 day positive average in Iowa 15.2%
in my county 18%
I was mostly buoyed during my weekly junk food trip to Fareway Stores today. It was not until I got to the check stand that I saw someone (2 people) who were unmasked. Mask compliance appears to be getting much greater in Delaware County where it used to be awful.
Problem is most of us here now know people who died from COVID-19 over the past 60-days. I expected things to continue to be bad or worse, but since T-Giving, it's getting better. Back when I contracted it and tested + Oct. 25, the Telegraph Herald was reporting our county two-week positivity rate > 50%. The TH was calculating positivity rates in their subscription area counties using their own calculations because the state's calculations did not consider people who had confirmed + tests to be positive if there was not a date of birth associated with the + test. The TH considered the state's calculations to be erroneous, and the data with no DOB associated with the + test was available by which the TH calculated the actual positivity rate in real time. My Gosh, what good does it do the state, or its politicians, to calculate an accurate positivity test rate two weeks later when the DOBs come in?
Anyway, I represent two COVID-19 widows. I was acquainted with two others who died from it, one of whom is my great aunt. It is very sad.
It was so uplifting to see the UPS and FedEx trucks on the news Sunday a.m. hauling the first vaccines out of the Grand Rapids, Michigan Pfizer plant. Thank you Pfizer, and Michigan! The beginning of the end, is upon us. Unfortunately the end will be long.