Lots of people have claimed that they were like Reagan. Lots of people (including Obama) have tried to assume the mantle of Lincoln as well. It doesn't make them like Reagan or like Lincoln. Obama was not known for being excessively dedicated to telling the truth.
I honestly don't know that you mean when you use terms like "liberal" and "conservative." And I can't tell which you hate more.
I didn't say that we had socialized medicine. I said that Reagan was against "socialized medicine" (note the quotation marks). He was against real-life Medicare and he would have been against real-life ObamaCare too.
What you think about the 2010 election is different than what I think about it. We can't both be right, and we might both be wrong. I'll just note that you offer no evidence for your thinking, but I'll offer a bit for mine. The Tea Party was the driving force in the 2010 election, and its rhetoric was about ObamaCare far more than it was about the state of the economy. I went to a couple of Tea Party rallies, and they didn't mention the economy at all.
We'll just have to be disappointed in him for different reasons.
I absolutely believe Reagan would have been pro Obamacare. Here's why:
Reagan opposed Medicare for two principal reasons: participation was mandatory, and because Medicare spent scarce taxpayer funds to subsidize coverage for wealthy people who didn’t need the help.
So we can gather from this quote that Reagan probably would have been against the individual mandate, which no longer exists anyway. However, I think he would have approved of most of it. Reagan explicitly supported the role of government in subsidizing care for every American who could not otherwise afford it.
Quote from "A Time for Choosing"
“No one in this country should be denied medical care for lack of funds.”
In a speech to the Phoenix chamber of commerce:
“Any person in the United States who requires medical attention and cannot provide for himself should have it provided for him.”
He championed the Kerr-Mills Act of 1960, a law introduced by two Democrats that gave federal money to states with which to provide medical care for the elderly in need. Reagan said that he was “in favor of this bill — and if the money isn’t enough, I think we should put up more.”
In fact, CW, I bet you would also be in favor of 90% of Obamacare provisions. When this was going into effect it was my job to analyze the potential impact to my employer at the time, so I am very familiar with it.