You can also thank the masses for wanting the cheapest possible stuff, regardless of the methods it's created or where. If the masses didn't blindly want the cheapest thing, generics wouldn't exist, we'd source meat in more ethical ways, and all of our drugs wouldn't come from China.
Yeah, no. That is just completely wrong. Where did you get this abortion of a hot take?
The masses didn't spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions lobbying congress and President Clinton to permanently normalize trade relations with China and push for them to join the WTO. Oh yeah, that was Wall Street and US multi-nationals. Clinton is maybe the single largest reason for the rise of China at the expense of America. Not trying to lay the blame too much on his feet, seeing as how almost all of these politicians are just puppets of Wall Street and US multi-nationals.
The masses had absolutely nothing to do with it. That's just a stupid thing to say. The masses have no clue what permanent normalized trade relations or the WTO is. None.
It had everything to do with profit. Cheaper labor and no extra expenses having to deal with government regulatory agencies like OSHA, EEOC, EPA. Pay your workers 1/10th the price you were paying them in America, save millions if not billions not having to comply with any work safety or environmental regulations- sell your goods for the same price you were going to sell them at anyway- and call it a day. It's not a coincidence that corporations have made record profits ever since 2000 when normalized trade relations with China were pushed through congress. It was done so by design. That was the intention of the US multi-nationals and Wall Street. What these dumbasses were too stupid to realize is that they were playing the short game to make a quick buck and sell out their own countries, while China was playing the long game in order to grow, steal IP, steal technology and eventually replace the USA on the world stage.
20 years ago China was a 3rd world backwater. Anyone thinking they were a rival to the US would be laughed at. Today China is the single greatest threat to the US that has probably ever existed. The Soviet Union was a piper tiger that had nowhere near the kind of economy or manufacturing capabilities of China.