Yes- the data is hard to count on from here or anywhere.
You rarely see Influenza as the cause of death/ more often complications from Influenza. Also- if I understand it correctly insurance payments to hospitals can be substantially higher and more likely if it is ruled Covid-19.
So now there is financial motivation to code it that way.
So when the data is suspect- that leaves emotion and intuition for decision making. General not the best and almost always polarizing.
And I think this is helping to drive the fear people are having. I have talked with people that say they will NOT come out of their house until a vaccine is available. I told them that could take well over a year, they didn't care.
But that is also leading to people willing to suffer through other medical issues instead of "risking" going to the hospital. I have heard stories that people in NY City had died of heart attacks at home because they were afraid to go the hospital.
My point is that these bogus numbers are causing irrational fear in people that may be leading to other deaths.
In general, the CDC estimates that about 50-60 MILLION Americans contract the seasonal flu every year. Does anyone believe ALL of those people are tested for the flu? No. In reality, they only test a few hundred thousand people a year. The 50-60 Million is extrapolated from the number tested and taking into account the number of people that may get the flu, but never see a doctor and so on. So when the mortality rate of the flu is advertised to be around 0.1%, people feel pretty safe that even if the get the flu, they will most likely survive.
But now we are getting numbers from the CDC saying that only about 600,000 people have gotten the Covid virus and of those, 30 some thousand have died. That puts the mortality rate somewhere around 2% or 20 times that of the seasonal flu. THAT scares the crap out of people that simply look at the headlines and don't dive into the numbers.
If the government/CDC did the same extrapolation for Covid as they do the seasonal flu, my guess is that the number of actual infections would be in the several millions which in turn would bring the mortality rate more in line with the seasonal flu. And who knows, maybe after this is pretty much over and the numbers come in, they will. But that does nothing to help to quell the fears of people today.