Well, I just got it for the first time last week. Not the worst cold I've ever had by far, but definitely knocked me down a peg for a few days. I pretty much had one day where I slept for 18 hours straight. Bit of fever, bit of cough, bit of taste loss. I'm mostly back to normal now, but I'm still a touch fatigued.
We are at, what? About 82 million reported cases here in America. I think I agree that it's likely at least double or triple that (of which I am certainly guilty also in that I never reported my case), which would put it around half of everybody in America has likely gotten it at least once. I had said two years ago that everybody you know and love will get this bug some time in the next five years, so that's looking like a pretty accurate prediction.
It's not ever going to go away completely though. I suspect it will be the new "seasonal flu" equivalent. It's going to kill about 50,000 people a year, just like a bad flu year, enough that you probably should take it seriously, but not enough that people are going to really really care. You will be able to get your yearly Covid shot if you want it. Life will return to 2019 levels of non-interest in preventive health measures.