You guys might know this: did Hitler have any inkling about the Japanese planning to bomb Pearl Harbor or any direct attack on the US?
Did he even share his wishes of what their actions would be? Did they give the Germans any 'heads up' on their actions or plans?
I don't know of anything specific that the Japanese gave to Hitler and they probably wouldn't have.
They believed that secrecy was ABSOLUTELY paramount to the success of what they termed the "Hawaii Operation" and since the Germans couldn't really help them there would have been no reason to take the security risk of tipping them off just as a favor and for no real good reason.
It was pretty widely believed that Japan would enter the war at some point but very few (if any) people outside of Japan actually knew when or where.
One guy who is absolutely fascinating is a guy named Richard Sorge. He was a German Communist and anti-Nazi who joined the Soviet Intelligence network. Eventually he moved to Japan posing as a Nazi German Journalist and cultivated an astounding spy network mostly operating out of the German Embassy in Tokyo. Sorge may not have known that the Japanese would hit Pearl Harbor specifically (I'm not sure and it didn't matter much to Stalin anyway). What he DID know was that the Japanese were going to attack the US and occupy colonial possessions of the US, British, and Dutch and NOT attack the Soviet Union. That information was passed along to Moscow and led to the Soviets retrieving an enormous number of troops that had been in the far Eastern Soviet Provinces as a screen against potential Japanese invasion. Those troops got to Moscow and led the Soviet counter-offensive that removed the immediate threat of Nazi occupation of the Soviet Capital. Interestingly, the Soviet counter-offensive started at almost exactly the same time as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which demonstrates that the Soviets pulled the troops BEFORE Japan went to war with the US. In turn that demonstrates that the Soviets did it based on the information provided by their spies not waiting for the outbreak of hostilities.
The (short) background is that the Soviets and Japanese had fought an undeclared war along the frontier between Japanese Manchuko (Manchuria) and the Soviet Union in the 1930's. The Soviets pretty well kicked the Japanese asses (which should have told the Japanese that their Army wasn't really up to first world standards) but in spite of that the Soviets still felt the need to maintain a substantial army in the area in case the Japanese decided to restart hostilities. That is until Richard Sorge notified them that the Japanese had no such intention.
The Germans and Japanese were allies of convenience and nothing more. They were in a somewhat forced marriage by virtue of having a lot of common enemies but they didn't actually like each other. Hitler had declared that the Japanese were "Honorary Aryans" but he didn't actually believe it. Hitler, of course, believed in Aryan supremacy and the Japanese were obviously NOT Aryan. On the flip side it is largely forgotten today but the Japanese were no less racist than the Nazis, just in favor of a different race, their own. The Japanese believed that their race was superior to all others. This belief clouded their Army leaders' judgement to an incredible degree. When confronted with massively superior numbers of more well trained and supplied enemies the Japanese Army higher-ups basically said "well beat them with your Japanese superiority" thus consigning literally millions of Japanese troops to their deaths in actions against ridiculous odds.
A curious side note:
Japan's capture of Singapore from the British was a massive embarrassment for the British. The British actually had superior numbers and most Europeans of the day considered Europeans to be superior to "mere" Asians such as the Japanese. When this happened Hitler's Foreign Minister, Von-Ribbentrop wanted to use it as Propaganda against the British but Hitler forbid it because he felt that the British were fellow Aryans and that any Aryan embarrassment at the hands of "mere" Asians was an embarrassment to all Aryans.
Think about that for a minute: At that time Hitler was fighting a desperate war against Britain, the Soviet Union, AND the United States in which he needed any possible advantage that he could get and yet he forbid his underlings to make propaganda use of a startling embarrassment to his longest-standing enemy.