to say i'm frustrated right now would be an understatement.
the server people are both CONUS and OCONUS... the upper tier are all in the country... they don't work weekends. they rely on the OCONUS team to provide support on the weekends. they knew i was set to migrate yesterday morning- and that went basically w/o a hitch despite the language barrier. last night, after a lot of work throughout the day, i reported to them i was good.......... and then this morning the CONUS crew came in and decided to make sure "the databases transferred correctly, and seeing differences, went ahead and overwrote it with the one from Saturday".
oh my freakin...... grrrrr....
so.. basically i get to duplicate what i did all day yesterday. again... that's not as big a deal as it was yesterday because i now know what needs to be changed and where. it won't take as long.
i don't know if i'll be able to retrieve yesterdays posts or not- but i'll try. the problem is i staged an area for backups, and it holds the latest backup- and guess which one THAT one is now?
I tore them a new one as far as a person can do over the phone while maintaining some manner of professionalism... i don't think it will happen again, and i can say that with relative certainty because i'm about to lock them out of the server.
I apologize profusely... this isn't supposed to happen. it certainly wasn't supposed to happen anymore... i'm going to start to look for yet another server and company to host so i have a better back-up plan. and as strange as it is, it would appear their OCONUS team is hella more competent.