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Topic: Odds we have a football season poll

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #630 on: August 19, 2020, 12:36:31 PM »
Anyway, it felt like some dissonance. If you want folks back on campus, that was done. So the anger should probably go toward the decision to pull back, not bringing folks back to begin with. Basically, we're mad at colleges now, and if they did what people are now saying they should've done, folks would be about as mad, albeit for different reasons.
I feel like it's not people being mad for different reasons, I think it's different people being mad for consistent reasons. 

There was a huge push to get people back to school at all levels. The people advocating for that aren't mad right now about the pullback; they're silent. 

There were also a bunch of people saying that going back to school in high numbers was too risky and would end badly. Those people are saying "I told you so" right now and are mad that we risked it so that students could get a single week or maybe two before it all blew up.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #631 on: August 19, 2020, 01:13:16 PM »
I'm a fair bit sympathetic with most points of view on all of this, truly.  We don't know a lot we need to know.

UGA will allow between 20 and 25 percent capacity, per a Wednesday release.

That would mean the Bulldogs could allow for between 18,549 and 23,186 fans in 92,746-seat Sanford Stadium.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 01:23:53 PM by Cincydawg »


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #632 on: August 19, 2020, 01:30:15 PM »
Gene Smith denies he's working on season. Snook claims he couldn't get Michigan on board. I dunno, Snook always seemed like a bit of a flim flam man, though several guys do vouch for his credibility.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #633 on: August 19, 2020, 01:49:14 PM »
Gene Smith denies he's working on season. Snook claims he couldn't get Michigan on board. I dunno, Snook always seemed like a bit of a flim flam man, though several guys do vouch for his credibility.
It's also one of those funny things where if it doesn't actually happen, it's just nice PR. Smith can sound like less of disliked sort of character, Michigan can get blamed. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #634 on: August 19, 2020, 01:53:18 PM »
I feel like it's not people being mad for different reasons, I think it's different people being mad for consistent reasons.

There was a huge push to get people back to school at all levels. The people advocating for that aren't mad right now about the pullback; they're silent.

There were also a bunch of people saying that going back to school in high numbers was too risky and would end badly. Those people are saying "I told you so" right now and are mad that we risked it so that students could get a single week or maybe two before it all blew up.

Perhaps. But it feels like there's a middle of the venn diagram group mad at both. Maybe that's a total misread. I'd assume some of that group is disingenuous, and a lot is just into being mad, which is a pretty common thing. 

I mean, I'm mostly just rolling my eyes at the lack of a plan/leadership. If you set the standards that low, it wasn't worth coming back. I lack strong feelings on if that standard is too low or high. But pick one and eat the crap that comes with it. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #635 on: August 19, 2020, 02:14:12 PM »
Perhaps. But it feels like there's a middle of the venn diagram group mad at both. Maybe that's a total misread. I'd assume some of that group is disingenuous, and a lot is just into being mad, which is a pretty common thing.

I mean, I'm mostly just rolling my eyes at the lack of a plan/leadership. If you set the standards that low, it wasn't worth coming back. I lack strong feelings on if that standard is too low or high. But pick one and eat the crap that comes with it.

Yes, this is part of the origin of my anger.  We all knew cases would increase.  It was absolutely inevitable. 

We also know that the percentage of young people in this age group that actually get sick from coronavirus, is quite small.  And we know that the percentage of people in this age group that die of coronavirus/COVID19, is incredibly small.

So I had hopes that health officials weren't going to run screaming with their hands in the air once "THE CASES, OH MY GOD THE CASES" began increasing.  Because I thought they were smart enough to know this was inevitable and they actually had a better, REALISTIC plan for handling it, once we saw the inevitable rise in "OMG THE CASES!!!!"

If their standards were going to be this low, then they shouldn't have bothered at all.  But I know exactly why they DID bother with the fake attempt at "in-person" classes, because they were terrified if they stated from the beginning it would be online-only, they'd miss out on the tuition checks.  


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #636 on: August 19, 2020, 02:25:03 PM »
Oh, and to tie it all back into football season-- this is precisely why there won't be one.  Because of the immediate panic reaction to the inevitable increases in cases on all campuses, that will inevitably affect football players, regardless of whether or not they ever set foot on a field or in a locker room.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #637 on: August 19, 2020, 02:33:44 PM »
One thing I would like to know, and don't have answers on, is whether or not someone who has had the damn thing can still carry it and pass it on.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #638 on: August 19, 2020, 02:39:28 PM »
One thing I would like to know, and don't have answers on, is whether or not someone who has had the damn thing can still carry it and pass it on.
Indeed, as would we all I think.  I'm just not sure it's been around long enough to understand that.

I do think we can become informed from the way other coronaviruses have affected humans historically, though.  Coronaviruses that have been around centuries, or millennia.  And for those, the answer is-- no.  Long term immunity is not conferred.  We still get sick from the common cold, after hundreds and possibly thousands of years.

Edit: I might have misread your question, are you talking about someone that's had it recently being able to continue to spread it?  For that one, it seems the docs and scientists mostly agree, after 10-14 days you're no longer contagious.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 02:49:40 PM by utee94 »


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #639 on: August 19, 2020, 06:07:12 PM »
Big Ten commish issued a letter, says there was an overwhelming vote against playing, it won't be revisited, and goes into reasoning, which is about what you'd expect - no reasonable way to prevent spread of disease.

Also says they are making commission on returning to play.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #640 on: August 19, 2020, 06:09:01 PM »
And as that was coming out, NCAA board decides this year won't count towards eligibility whether games are played or not.

Edit: still needs approval from board of governors


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #641 on: August 19, 2020, 06:19:01 PM »
Big Ten commish issued a letter, says there was an overwhelming vote against playing, it won't be revisited, and goes into reasoning, which is about what you'd expect - no reasonable way to prevent spread of disease.
Maybe he'll change his mind if that petition ever reaches his desk.
Probably not.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #642 on: August 19, 2020, 06:22:27 PM »
Maybe he'll change his mind if that petition ever reaches his desk.
Probably not.
Lol you start a petition and let me know how that works out for you. Let me know if you get booked on national television and the commish personally responds.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #643 on: August 19, 2020, 06:33:25 PM »
What was the last "petition" anyone contrived that actually changed anything of substance, other than petitions to get something on a ballot or someone recalled, an actual official petition?

If a petition actually COULD "DO SOMETHING", I'd be mildly interested, as opposed to some collection of random people signing up something which is basically an OPINION with zero force to it.


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