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Topic: Odds we have a football season poll

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #308 on: August 10, 2020, 06:42:54 PM »

I agree to an extent but there's a significant difference between COVID vs car accidents and food poisoning that makes our behavioral changes for COVID more sensible...

COVID is contagious. Car accidents and food poisoning are not.
Maybe, but @bayareabadger specifically stated it "makes me a person who pretends risk isn't there."  That might be true for him, but it's certainly not true for me.

As in all other facets of life, I'm simply weighing various risks, and making decisions based on what I feel the threat level to be.  COVID is one of those, but it's certainly not the only one, and I think that's what @CatsbyAZ is getting at.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #309 on: August 10, 2020, 06:52:00 PM »

I agree to an extent but there's a significant difference between COVID vs car accidents and food poisoning that makes our behavioral changes for COVID more sensible...

COVID is contagious. Car accidents and food poisoning are not.
I'd also be interested to see the scale. I'm sure more people die in auto accidents. I kinda doubt that many people die of food poisoning. Maybe we expand to hospitalizations. 

The thing I'm trying to figure out is what is the COVID equivalent of drives or restaurant meals. That's a tricky base number. I guess you would to to exposures? Interactions? That would be pretty high, though obviously you have them at an incredible volume. 

I still kind of imagine we'll get bored at some point. We'll accept the nihilism of our situation. Some folks will die. So it goes. 

Brutus Buckeye

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #310 on: August 10, 2020, 06:55:22 PM »
They are not thinking any of this stuff through at all, just flying by the seat of their pants. The exact antithesis of what "adults" would do. 

New schedule one week that makes room for games that have to be rescheduled due to mass covid outbreaks. 

Season cancelled the next week because there might actually be the very covid outbreaks that the new schedule was specifically designed to address. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #311 on: August 10, 2020, 07:06:32 PM »
Maybe, but @bayareabadger specifically stated it "makes me a person who pretends risk isn't there."  That might be true for him, but it's certainly not true for me.

As in all other facets of life, I'm simply weighing various risks, and making decisions based on what I feel the threat level to be.  COVID is one of those, but it's certainly not the only one, and I think that's what @CatsbyAZ is getting at.

I sort of touched on this above, but the implication was that accepting the risk was a badge of honor. I wanted to point out that accepting the risk can also be a case of recklessness. 

I'm not arguing, AH HA, these kids or players are necessarily being reckless. I don't know if they are. But I'm saying taking a risk is itself does not make one a more sturdy individual. 

A few years back, I found myself unable to get a cab back to a friend's place after a night at Madison bars. I felt mostly fine after six or so beers. I realized my choices were to wait until 5 am or so, sleep in my backseat or brave what would most likely be a somewhat tense ride home. If the unlikely outcome played out, I was out a not small of money, messed up my driving record, maybe put my job in jeopardy. In the moment, it felt like a risk worth taking. After I got home safely, I'm not sure it was. But there's no badge for that.

Maybe risking getting COVID is a drive on the freeway. Maybe it's getting behind the wheel after a couple too many. I suppose that's a question for the philosophers and statisticians. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #312 on: August 10, 2020, 07:08:28 PM »
They are not thinking any of this stuff through at all, just flying by the seat of their pants. The exact antithesis of what "adults" would do.
This I agree with, strongly. 

There are so many voices, but they all speak through leaks and occasional releases. The planning and the Big Ten's seeming need to get out ahead of things has been a failure on multiple fronts, no doubt. 

At the moment, the Big Ten might be walking all of this back. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #313 on: August 10, 2020, 07:29:43 PM »
Well if the players unanimously want to play like for example at Ohio State, and can opt out at any time but don’t, and the parents of the players have put in writing that they support playing, and the coaches and assistant coaches all agree then why does the Big Ten have the right to tell them they can’t?  They say they feel less likely to spread it in this environment. They are doing everything possible with masks and distancing, housing arrangements and everything else.

When should they be allowed to play? And there’s a vaccine? What if there isn’t one? You’re partially right this is bizarro world but for the exact opposite reasons that you state
What does "play" mean here?
If they just want to play football, I'm sure that there are parks and unused soccer and rugby fields where they could get up a game.
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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #314 on: August 10, 2020, 07:44:30 PM »
Bravery does not mean being stupid or ignorant of the risks.  It does not mean denying risks.  It does not mean having no fear.

It means that you know the risks and even fear them, but you do what you think is the right thing anyway.

Bravery is overcoming the fear.
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Brutus Buckeye

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #315 on: August 10, 2020, 09:03:17 PM »
This feels like it was a trial balloon idea to see if they could bait the SEC and ACC into following suit, but it could as easily have been a leak by someone who wanted to scuttle the talk of cancellation that was coming. Either way, hopefully wiser heads prevail.

What is the freaking harm in trying it out? At least play a couple of games before pulling the plug. If it turns out to be an absolute mess and they have to cancel the season a few weeks in, fine. I think we all understand it will not be a smooth ride. But at least give it a shot. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #316 on: August 10, 2020, 10:35:53 PM »
Well know I KNOW The right thing to do is to let those college football players go ahead with their season if that’s what they choose to do. 

What convinced me? Watching some female moron on MSNBC talking to a liberal Democrat somewhere and they both came to the conclusion that the only people that want to play college football are far right wingers who “want to change the subject“

How do people that fucking stupid and moronic even make it to television? Politicizing college football. Now I’ve seen it all. 

They don’t seem to have a problem with NBA players breathing all over each other for 60 minutes but college football players who will be wearing face shields well that’s a different story.  Maybe they will change their minds if we get China to sponsor college football like it does the NBA
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Brutus Buckeye

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #317 on: August 11, 2020, 12:08:10 AM »
More anonymous sources:

"Early Monday evening, a source told cleveland.com that Ohio State does not expect a Big Ten vote tonight on canceling football for 2020, but if one happened, incoming President Kristina M. Johnson would vote against cancellation."



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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #318 on: August 11, 2020, 12:30:40 AM »
This feels like it was a trial balloon idea to see if they could bait the SEC and ACC into following suit, but it could as easily have been a leak by someone who wanted to scuttle the talk of cancellation that was coming. Either way, hopefully wiser heads prevail.

What is the freaking harm in trying it out? At least play a couple of games before pulling the plug. If it turns out to be an absolute mess and they have to cancel the season a few weeks in, fine. I think we all understand it will not be a smooth ride. But at least give it a shot.

I wrote a whole thing with the common sense answer to the bolded, but then I realized it wasn't really actually asking what the harm was in trying. It was not a question seeking an answer. 

Looking at it, I'm reminded of a car issue I had a bit ago. I was in the midst of a long drive on a tight schedule. Check engine light popped on. I knew form experience that is more often than not something that can wait. So I had to guess if this needed to be looked at immediately or could wait until the day after the trip. I took the latter, not wanting to drop $100 bucks to be told "someone can look at it Monday." I guessed wrong and the engine fried and I had to replace the car, but in the end, I operated in a manner that made sense at the time, so I'm not living with the regret of being out extra money. The outbreak probably isn't the same as replacing a car at five figures, but still disruptive in its way. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #319 on: August 11, 2020, 12:35:48 AM »
Well know I KNOW The right thing to do is to let those college football players go ahead with their season if that’s what they choose to do. 

What convinced me? Watching some female moron on MSNBC talking to a liberal Democrat somewhere and they both came to the conclusion that the only people that want to play college football are far right wingers who “want to change the subject“

How do people that fucking stupid and moronic even make it to television? Politicizing college football. Now I’ve seen it all.

They make it because they say bombastic things that you remember. 

99 percent of cable news is jabbering nonsense. But you watched it, and then ported the jabbering nonsense to us. I was curious if I could find the offending segment quickly. I couldn't. These people are on TV because they made you a carrier who reminds others that MSNBC is a brand that exists. And if they had a reasonable discussion when everyone agreed to disagree at the end, you would just forget you had it on at all and not tell anyone. 

This nonsense thrives on attention from those it influences and those it enrages. The only thing that starves it is not watching and not talking about it. (I think college football has been politicized for a long time in different ways. Nature of that beast)

Brutus Buckeye

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #320 on: August 11, 2020, 01:08:49 AM »

I don't know if it was coordinated or coincidental, but it seems like the four helmet coaches made a pretty strong statement, by standing up to the Big Ten brass in unison. 

Did any of the other coaches stick their neck out? Cryst? Ferentz? Fleck? Fitz? 

I may have missed it, but kudos to them as well if they did. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #321 on: August 11, 2020, 01:25:37 AM »
Well know I KNOW The right thing to do is to let those college football players go ahead with their season if that’s what they choose to do. 

What convinced me? Watching some female moron on MSNBC talking to a liberal Democrat somewhere and they both came to the conclusion that the only people that want to play college football are far right wingers who “want to change the subject“

How do people that fucking stupid and moronic even make it to television? Politicizing college football. Now I’ve seen it all.

They don’t seem to have a problem with NBA players breathing all over each other for 60 minutes but college football players who will be wearing face shields well that’s a different story.  Maybe they will change their minds if we get China to sponsor college football like it does the NBA

Jesus Christ dude. I'm right of center and even I think the bombastic politics you feel the need to insert in every post you make is downright cringe worthy. 
I thought I settled my debts that night on the ride home
But I have still got hell to pay


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