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Topic: Odds we have a football season poll

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #644 on: August 19, 2020, 06:48:45 PM »
What was the last "petition" anyone contrived that actually changed anything of substance, other than petitions to get something on a ballot or someone recalled, an actual official petition?

If a petition actually COULD "DO SOMETHING", I'd be mildly interested, as opposed to some collection of random people signing up something which is basically an OPINION with zero force to it.
Nelson Mandela probably was glad people used petitions


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #645 on: August 19, 2020, 07:59:26 PM »
NCAA recommends moving all fall sports to spring.

Edit: sort of. The NCAA bureaucracy makes for weird statements



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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #646 on: August 19, 2020, 08:18:34 PM »
Yes, this is part of the origin of my anger.  We all knew cases would increase.  It was absolutely inevitable.

We also know that the percentage of young people in this age group that actually get sick from coronavirus, is quite small.  And we know that the percentage of people in this age group that die of coronavirus/COVID19, is incredibly small.

So I had hopes that health officials weren't going to run screaming with their hands in the air once "THE CASES, OH MY GOD THE CASES" began increasing.  Because I thought they were smart enough to know this was inevitable and they actually had a better, REALISTIC plan for handling it, once we saw the inevitable rise in "OMG THE CASES!!!!"

If their standards were going to be this low, then they shouldn't have bothered at all.  But I know exactly why they DID bother with the fake attempt at "in-person" classes, because they were terrified if they stated from the beginning it would be online-only, they'd miss out on the tuition checks. 

Yep. I was discussing this very thing with my wife this evening. My kids go to a small private school. They start back September 8, and the plan now is for them to go back in person 5 days a week, but I’m afraid the first kid that tests positive that they will revert back to online or sending assignments home.

I’m going to try and get a meeting with some leadership from the school and see what the plan is when (not if) some cases break out in the school.  From a business standpoint it behooves private schools to announce in person learning, make sure the checks clear, and then change course once the checks clear.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #647 on: August 19, 2020, 08:36:04 PM »
Yep. I was discussing this very thing with my wife this evening. My kids go to a small private school. They start back September 8, and the plan now is for them to go back in person 5 days a week, but I’m afraid the first kid that tests positive that they will revert back to online or sending assignments home.

I’m going to try and get a meeting with some leadership from the school and see what the plan is when (not if) some cases break out in the school.  From a business standpoint it behooves private schools to announce in person learning, make sure the checks clear, and then change course once the checks clear.
My youngest two already had school called off. The oldest one is still technically supposed to start September 8th, but yeah seems like just a matter of time before it gets called off too


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #648 on: August 19, 2020, 08:46:56 PM »
Panic reactions are nonsensical with this, I agree.  It's always been simple math. 

You want college football to happen like there was no pandemic, we don't have to fret or fuss, just play with the numbers.
70 scholarship players x 130 FBS teams = 9,100 players + other players, coaches, medical staff, etc.  Plus FCS, Division II, Division III, NAIA, etc.

Let's stick to the smallest number - 9,100.  If there's a 0.05% death rate, that's 46 players.  Dead.  Not 5%, one-half of a percent.  Let's say these are young, stud athletes and it's "only" one-tenth of a percent that die...that's 9 dead players.

Is that worth it?  We get our memories and stats and glory and 9 of the players die.  Fair trade? 
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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #649 on: August 19, 2020, 08:50:31 PM »
A bunch of 20 year olds want to play Russian roulette with a 9,100-chamber gun because there's only 9 bullets...and 50 year old men want to let them.  

It's kinda gross.
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #650 on: August 19, 2020, 09:27:54 PM »
Hey Afro Man,

Your logic makes no sense... your assuming none of those 9100 athletes will catch covid and die if they don't play football.   Problem is, they  will have a much greater chance of catching covid going back to the dorms or to their home towns socializing with their friends than they would in a controlled FB enviornment!   Playing FB has nothing to do with the death rate. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #651 on: August 19, 2020, 09:47:56 PM »
OSU releases a letter saying they think they can return immediately, are planning for winter or spring, and OSU pres will lead the committee to return to competition

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #653 on: August 19, 2020, 10:31:38 PM »
welcome aboard NCJohn
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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #654 on: August 19, 2020, 10:49:07 PM »

Wait, Clay Travis took a flamethrower to something? That I can't believe. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #655 on: August 19, 2020, 10:50:57 PM »
Lol you start a petition and let me know how that works out for you. Let me know if you get booked on national television and the commish personally responds.
In this case, we're referring to Fields?


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #656 on: August 19, 2020, 11:43:18 PM »

Politics.  No doubt.  

yeah- let’s play indoors in January     😂😂😂😂
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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #657 on: August 20, 2020, 12:23:54 AM »
A bunch of 20 year olds want to play Russian roulette with a 9,100-chamber gun because there's only 9 bullets...and 50 year old men want to let them. 

It's kinda gross.
I think the people waiting for a player to die so they can blame someone for it is gross.


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