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Topic: Odds we have a football season poll

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #322 on: August 11, 2020, 01:31:39 AM »
If you simply argue against the most extreme of your opposition, you come away always sounding prudent.  
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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #323 on: August 11, 2020, 01:35:53 AM »
They are not thinking any of this stuff through at all, just flying by the seat of their pants.  This is obviously false.

The exact antithesis of what "adults" would do.

New schedule one week that makes room for games that have to be rescheduled due to mass covid outbreaks.   Optimism tempered by a time crunch and the reality of the situation.

Season cancelled the next week because there might actually be the very covid outbreaks that the new schedule was specifically designed to address.
They're hoping for the best in creating an edited schedule and planning for the worst.  In a week the numbers could have improved drastically (unlikely, but they optimistically allowed a week for it to happen).  This is what maturity looks like, guys.

I'm not amazed that we all hate the season being cancelled, but I am amazed at all the bitching and moaning.  No one involved WANTS to cancel the season (and this is one of those statements I type where someone will misconstrue "no one" as meaning 100% of everybody, everywhere but it's where I mean a vast majority of people).
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #324 on: August 11, 2020, 07:38:37 AM »
People commonly bitch and moan about what they hate, like say this country ... For some.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #325 on: August 11, 2020, 08:08:13 AM »
Well know I KNOW The right thing to do is to let those college football players go ahead with their season if that’s what they choose to do. 

What convinced me? Watching some female moron on MSNBC talking to a liberal Democrat somewhere and they both came to the conclusion that the only people that want to play college football are far right wingers who “want to change the subject“

How do people that fucking stupid and moronic even make it to television? Politicizing college football. Now I’ve seen it all.

They don’t seem to have a problem with NBA players breathing all over each other for 60 minutes but college football players who will be wearing face shields well that’s a different story.  Maybe they will change their minds if we get China to sponsor college football like it does the NBA
That would be our moron Senator Sherrod Brown. Hopefully that idiot just ruined any chance for reelection with that statement.  


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #326 on: August 11, 2020, 08:12:53 AM »
Jesus Christ dude. I'm right of center and even I think the bombastic politics you feel the need to insert in every post you make is downright cringe worthy. 
I'm sorry, but I saw that interview and it pissed me off. Senator Brown basically alluded that if you were in favor of College Football being played this season, it was political and trying to distract from the issues. Brown made it political. All HB did was point out that fact to show how stupid things have become in regards to this nonsense. 

Brutus Buckeye

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #327 on: August 11, 2020, 08:17:30 AM »
They're hoping for the best in creating an edited schedule and planning for the worst.  In a week the numbers could have improved drastically (unlikely, but they optimistically allowed a week for it to happen).  This is what maturity looks like, guys.

I'm not amazed that we all hate the season being cancelled, but I am amazed at all the bitching and moaning.  No one involved WANTS to cancel the season (and this is one of those statements I type where someone will misconstrue "no one" as meaning 100% of everybody, everywhere but it's where I mean a vast majority of people).
Oh bullshit. You are absolutely giddy over this. You aren't fooling anybody. 

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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #329 on: August 11, 2020, 08:37:44 AM »
They are not thinking any of this stuff through at all, just flying by the seat of their pants. The exact antithesis of what "adults" would do.

New schedule one week that makes room for games that have to be rescheduled due to mass covid outbreaks.

Season cancelled the next week because there might actually be the very covid outbreaks that the new schedule was specifically designed to address.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #330 on: August 11, 2020, 08:52:09 AM »

Let's stipulate, just for a little message board fun, that the Big Ten brass effectively run off the four helmets, and Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State and Nebraska are tasked with having to scrape together a new conference. Who do they add?

Notre Dame would be the obvious choice for the first phone call. Texas and Oklahoma seem pretty poachable from the Big 12. Toss in USCw as team number 8, which is the minimum. Notre Dame would of course be the bait for them. 

Looks good to me. Who else might they call, if one of these teams balks? 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #331 on: August 11, 2020, 08:58:21 AM »


Class-action hungry trial lawyers found a medical detail with which to hold Universities hostage. If both sides - lawyers or universities - cared as much about player’s overall health as they do about this heart condition that none of the pro athletes are voicing any worry about college football would’ve closed shop years ago due to knee surgeries, the rare spinal injury, and CTE. This isn’t about a heart condition - it’s about lawyers positioning themselves for a payday at the expense of college football. Welcome to the U.S.A.


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #332 on: August 11, 2020, 09:28:23 AM »

I don't blame Nebraska if they go back to the Big 12 over this. I'm no attorney obviously, but there has to be some sort of breach of contract here.

At the very least, they didn't know that they were signing up for a co-ed league, when they put their name on the dotted line. O0

Combine the "no football" leak with the a feeling the BIG is making sure UNL cannot rebuild, there is more talk about going back.  I think memories are short.  Texas pushed for the opposite of UNL at every turn and UNL did the same (to be fair).   It was toxic conference.   Rumors, back room deals and always the threat of leaving.  

UNL does have more in common with KSU, OSU and TT than Mich, NW, and Purdue.  In the long run I think the BIG is more beneficial... especially academically.  At the end of the day, UNL's problems are more internal than external.  That said.. the program does need a shot in the arm of confidence.  That would be an agreeable frustration on my part.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 09:37:06 AM by Entropy »


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #333 on: August 11, 2020, 09:40:58 AM »


Conferences need to say this if that is how they feel.

I've wondered if the BIG leaked this secret vote to float the balloon and see reactions.  Playing the "a vote never happened" gives them political cover.   The BIG school presidents are not famous for going off script. 


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #334 on: August 11, 2020, 09:42:05 AM »
Let's stipulate, just for a little message board fun, that the Big Ten brass effectively run off the four helmets, and Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State and Nebraska are tasked with having to scrape together a new conference. Who do they add?

Notre Dame would be the obvious choice for the first phone call. Texas and Oklahoma seem pretty poachable from the Big 12. Toss in USCw as team number 8, which is the minimum. Notre Dame would of course be the bait for them.

Looks good to me. Who else might they call, if one of these teams balks?

That will never happen.   The BIG is not running OSU or Michigan off... They'll never leave.  jmo


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Re: Odds we have a football season poll
« Reply #335 on: August 11, 2020, 09:42:13 AM »
Oh I think it was 100% floated to see what the reaction would be


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