Does anyone here have a sense of where JH stands on the proverbial hot seat?
I've asked about him here for years and the thinking was he would get a few more years because of his pay and buy out. I know they won't fire him after that one loss, but is it being discussed in the back rooms, do you think?
Ohio State could well put up a bad number on them later,.
He only has one more year of payout, so that makes it interesting.
At this point, the firing is going to come not because there's a great answer as to who makes this team either what it wants to be or close to what it wants to be, but because sometimes you just get tired and take the gamble.
It's interesting to look back. Since 1997, Michigan has had four teams that were either better than the good Harbs teams or at least ranked in the single digits at season's end.
2006 - Gangbusters at the start, smacking good ND and UW. Showed cracks vs Ball State and NW before losing that classic OSU game and not finishing the deal vs. USC
2003 - Lost to 5-loss Oregon and tripped up to Iowa despite a 10-point lead, large yardage edge and the same number of turnovers (did beat OSU)
2002 - Kinda overachieved with its scoring differential, but burped up a 2-point loss to ND when both teams lost four turnovers, lost to Iowa putting up 2.9 yards a play and managed to let slip that Ohio State game
1999 - Beat good not great UW and PSU, lost to Saban and Ron Turner Illinois
Those feel Harbaugh-y in their own way, give or take winning an Outback Bowl and beating Bama in the Orange.