There are so many different angles and such to this mess, which is why I turned off all sports coverage during the day yesterday. A lot different views, thoughts and woulda, shoulda, coulda's. To me, the story is so twisted and out of scope that even sports media is not sure on how to cover this, so they just throw buckets of crap, from all angles, just to keep the story going and fill air time. For example, every single talking head at ESPN has provided us with the opinion and holy way of how they would have handled this situation. For the most part, they are all nailing Urban Meyer to the cross and walking away saying how dishonorable a coach, mentor, and person he is, yet, under the scathing headlines of blasting him for his lack of response to domestic violence issues, they run an updated ticker of Tiger Woods golf scores and have a nice happy birthday wish for the "mamba" Kobe Bryant. Talk about two faced and several other words I could use!
Regarding Urban's cell phone, it is striking to me how dumb people really are in this age of tech gadgets. We are all so attached that phone, and many of us use it for just about everything in our lives, which leaves a foot print well after the delete button is used. If they wanted to really know what he had on his phone, they would have been more than able to find out, maybe not in the two week time frame, but they could have found whatever they were looking for on his phone.
As I said before, I will be very surprised if Urban Meyer is on the sidelines in Columbus next season. He is in control of how this situation finishes up, not the media. Anything he says in public forum will be coach speak, or the PC way in which we expect his answer to be, not the way we would really like to hear the answer. Just once, I would love to hear a coach say it like it really should be said. In this case, Urban Meyer looks at the reporters sitting there and says: Yes, I f$#ked up hiring Zach Smith again, and by not firing his ass sooner than I did. No excuses as to why, or if I could have canned him earlier, I just did not do that. In hind sight, I should have, moving forward, I will not make that same mistake again. IF he were to say that (legal whatever aside), I think a lot more folks would have a lot less to say!
So much more to say, rant, babble, etc, about this, tee time awaits, and thus the start of the weekend!