Yeah I think we are finding that out across all mediums. I'm not talking about the Harvey Weinstein stuff, but people having old Tweets dragged out. I think the days of coaches being able to put blinders on while the police "handle" stuff is over. Hell, I remember the drug officer in 1995 telling a room full of 5th graders that the standing orders for UM/Ann Arbor police officers, when he was on the beat in the 70s and 80s was that if he picked up a UM football player, you absolutely did not book him, or take him to jail. You took him straight to Bo's house, and he handled it. He didn't tell it in a "can you believe this?" but in a "this is funny" kind of way, and not to people at a private dinner party, but to a room full of public school children.
I think a lot of these coaches grew up in that mentality.