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Topic: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out

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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16674 on: May 19, 2022, 06:52:51 PM »
"lefties" AOC and the Fraud Squad coming through again for the Dems.....



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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16675 on: May 19, 2022, 07:08:09 PM »
All of this crap is what makes me want Bernie actually in the White House.  Not because he's a lefty or whatever, but because neither side wanted him to win.  He'd be a threat to the big-money pillars of the corruption found in most every aspect of our society. 
I know the odds of any meaningful change would be stacked against him and his efforts, but for everyone who actually run things to be that afraid of him told me something.
If you have a name of someone like that who is more your flavor, insert them in.  I'm tired of this bullshit D or R garbage that keeps the rich richer and takes advantage of the distractedness/apathy/ignorance of the masses.  Sorry, but no SCOUS judge should be easily considered either extreme.  That's garbage, too.  
You want to know how the top country in the world cycles away?  Look around.  We're slaves to the perpetual growth, quarterly earnings expectation.  Whores for he said-she said horseshit "entertainment."  As long as the status quo is maintained, that's all that's needed for those in power to keep all the power.  Don't like something?  March.  They'll wait.  Vote.  They'll yawn.  We're just picking from the 2 approved candidates they allow us to.
It's all broken crap.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 07:15:06 PM by OrangeAfroMan »
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16676 on: May 19, 2022, 07:29:11 PM »
All of this crap is what makes me want Bernie actually in the White House.  Not because he's a lefty or whatever, but because neither side wanted him to win.  He'd be a threat to the big-money pillars of the corruption found in most every aspect of our society. 
I know the odds of any meaningful change would be stacked against him and his efforts, but for everyone who actually run things to be that afraid of him told me something.
If you have a name of someone like that who is more your flavor, insert them in.  I'm tired of this bullshit D or R garbage that keeps the rich richer and takes advantage of the distractedness/apathy/ignorance of the masses.  Sorry, but no SCOUS judge should be easily considered either extreme.  That's garbage, too. 
You want to know how the top country in the world cycles away?  Look around.  We're slaves to the perpetual growth, quarterly earnings expectation.  Whores for he said-she said horseshit "entertainment."  As long as the status quo is maintained, that's all that's needed for those in power to keep all the power.  Don't like something?  March.  They'll wait.  Vote.  They'll yawn.  We're just picking from the 2 approved candidates they allow us to.
It's all broken crap.
I was with you on Bernie, until he decided to completely sell out and stump for the mainline establishment wing of the party. I wanted him because I like you knew he could never get all the things he wanted done- some of which I disagree with- but that he might be able to get some change. You're right, it's broken. It's not working how it should, not sure what the solution is- but we need some fast.

You're 100% correct, because it's not one party of the other, it's both of them. And both of them are sold out to monied interests. It's just weird to me that R's seem to have the label or reputation as being the big business friendly money whores who sold themselves- when D's are even bigger hoes. This tweet from that lesbian over at MSNBC Chris Hayes is a perfect example. And it's pretty wild actually how much he's changed completely over the years when you consider he wrote a book before he got that MSNBC gig called Twilight of the Elites in which he talks about "cognitive capture" and says in it that when people get into elite circles and institutions their thinking, opinions, and behavior gets "captured" by those circles or institutions and change. Crazy thing is- it happened to him. And his tweet is just funny....insinuating that Dems are tough on big business or billionaires...when they are not now nor have ever been. Consider that Obama was a Wall Street favorite in both elections, and in 2016 billionaires donated 20:1 to the Clinton campaign over the Trump campaign, and in 2020 Wall Street firms donated nearly 5x as much to the Biden campaign than they did to the Trump campaign.



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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16677 on: May 19, 2022, 07:58:20 PM »
neither side wanted Trump in the White house, but it was a lesser evil than Hillary
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16678 on: May 19, 2022, 09:03:16 PM »
neither side wanted Trump in the White house, but it was a lesser evil than Hillary
I definitely agree with that. Lots of people did not. Trump was actually good in that he put an ugly face on the Empire. People actually paid attention and were not asleep. For example- when they finally got around to talking about the kids in cages thing- welp, his predecessor Mr. Obama built those cages. When they railed against Trump for his stance on immigration and deportation- welp, his predecessor Mr. Obama deported more people in his first term than Trump. A lot more. Trump often got in trouble with the establishment for saying the things out-loud that the President is not allowed to say. Example; when he was interviewed during the Super Bowl half-time and asked about Putin being a killer and Trump said something along the lines of "ya and you think we're so innocent, we're killers too" - true statement in actual fact. I actually enjoyed a President being honest about the Empire for once.

Hillary is legit sociopath. Like a truly evil bitch. Libya was her pet project. Syria would've been A LOT worse had she been elected President. She's much more intelligent, cunning, manipulative- she's a true believer- and far more dangerous wielding power than someone like Trump. Trump believes in pretty much nothing- he's shallow. Trump tried to go against the military industrial complex and the "intelligence community" when he was running- but as soon as he got into office they pretty much rolled him. He was able to pull US out of Somalia (and gee who would've guessed- uner Biden- we're going right back in there) and he avoided making Syria a greater war and full scale invasion (which Hillary 100% would've pushed for) - and he did try like hell to pull out of Afghanistan- even if his generals were going around his back to prevent that as were scum like Liz Cheney.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16679 on: May 20, 2022, 07:22:56 AM »


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16681 on: May 20, 2022, 08:44:21 AM »
HA! someone in the comment section
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16682 on: May 20, 2022, 09:45:39 AM »
This dipshit needs to resign from her seat. NOW.

Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black | Fox News
Common.  I have seen this numerous times in the last year.   
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16683 on: May 20, 2022, 09:51:05 AM »
The President went to Buffalo, which was fine. He said some things he shouldn't have, which was not fine.

Why didn't he go to Waukesha after that "SUV" killed 6 people during a Christmas parade?


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16684 on: May 20, 2022, 10:23:17 AM »
This used to be a great neighborhood to hang out in (River North and Mag Mile - 18th district).

Near North Side shooting: 2 killed, 8 wounded near McDonald’s in Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com)

Shootings have been spiking downtown all year. They are up 225% in the 18th District, which includes the McDonald’s. In the 1st District, which covers parts of downtown and the Loop, shootings are up 100%.



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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16685 on: May 20, 2022, 12:36:44 PM »
The President went to Buffalo, which was fine. He said some things he shouldn't have, which was not fine.

Why didn't he go to Waukesha after that "SUV" killed 6 people during a Christmas parade?
The Waukesha incident did not fit the narrative. And neither did the subway shooting in NYC. 


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16687 on: May 21, 2022, 08:39:41 AM »
really enjoyed visiting Chicago back in 2007 or 2008 with my daughters

not going back
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