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Topic: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out

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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16254 on: May 03, 2022, 07:57:31 PM »
Meh.  There are definitely more Republicans than Democrats in the crowd I am familiar with. Mostly middle-class upper middle class families with 2 to 4 college degrees in the household, taxpaying law-abiding and community giving people.  They virtually all do not want to see row versus wade overturned. Maybe the extreme right does I guess.
You truly are one sanctimonious piece of shit, aren't you?
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16255 on: May 03, 2022, 07:59:39 PM »
The key is suburban white women. I know a lot of them who were lifelong Republicans, who voted against Trump. I don't think DeSantis is going to win them back. None of them like Biden. They mostly view him as a non-threat, not Trump option. I think what has gained DeSantis so much political favor in Florida won't carry over for them as much as the RNC hopes
I think DeSantis would fare much better with the suburban white women.

Trump is a grotesque figure to a lot of women. The whole "grab her by the p*ssy" thing- his 3 or 4 marriages and the fact that he's cheated on every single one of his wives- and the Stormy Daniels pornstar scandal- he's a very scumbaggish easy to dislike guy for probably 99.9% of women and 100% of uppity suburban white women.

DeSantis isn't going to have any of those problems.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16256 on: May 03, 2022, 08:01:19 PM »
2/3rds of the population are against the government banning abortion. That means quite a lot of republicans don't want Roe v Wade overturned.

The Jesus freaks are 100% in the Republican camp- and well the extremes of both parties always have an out-sized influence even if they aren't a majority of their party, precisely because: they are extremists. They are the loudest voices and try to bully the party into doing what they want and they try to exercise their power more than the silent majority.
Thats the reason why if leaking was a political move to help the dems it wont really be an issue
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16257 on: May 03, 2022, 08:02:01 PM »
You truly are one sanctimonious piece of shit, aren't you?
Since your used to it/  Go fuck yourself.  Those are the people I know- described perfectly. 

you truly are the scummiest piece  of shit I see across social media.   
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16258 on: May 03, 2022, 08:05:33 PM »
OAM has escaped and is terrorizing the villagers
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16259 on: May 03, 2022, 08:07:21 PM »
But only one of them is trying to legislate 100+ million people what they can't do with their bodies. 
Yeah, and the other one wishes it could censor the entire internet- it literally just set-up a government "ministry of truth" within the DHS, constantly peddles disinformation and lies (Hunter Biden's laptop says HI) like it's their f**king job- look no further than their evidence free based conspiracy theory- Russiagate- and is in complete lock-step and alignment with the deep state/"intelligence"/military industrial complex and wants to start WWIII with Russia.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. 

Quite frankly, the abortion thing is pretty bad but I am FAR more concerned with the Democrats than I am with the Republicans right now. Like Malcom X said about the white liberals 50+ years ago.......


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16261 on: May 03, 2022, 08:09:11 PM »
OAM has escaped and is terrorizing the villagers
Yes.  He is an extreme leftie, ignorant and self centered.  He hates anyone who has worked their ass off and believes his own drivel.  Moron would be an upgrade. 
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16262 on: May 03, 2022, 08:15:13 PM »
You're precisely the amount of wrong that I'd predict you'd be.  
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16263 on: May 03, 2022, 08:15:48 PM »
I think DeSantis would fare much better with the suburban white women.

Trump is a grotesque figure to a lot of women. The whole "grab her by the p*ssy" thing- his 3 or 4 marriages and the fact that he's cheated on every single one of his wives- and the Stormy Daniels pornstar scandal- he's a very scumbaggish easy to dislike guy for probably 99.9% of women and 100% of uppity suburban white women.

DeSantis isn't going to have any of those problems.
Unless something big happens to Trump he has the nomination in a cakewalk

DeSantis could be a great VP pick
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16264 on: May 03, 2022, 08:17:37 PM »
You're precisely the amount of wrong that I'd predict you'd be. 
remember what I told ya about your social ability

you over stepped with no need

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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16265 on: May 03, 2022, 08:28:48 PM »
Unless something big happens to Trump he has the nomination in a cakewalk

DeSantis could be a great VP pick
I don't disagree. Trump will be the nominee if he runs. DeSantis "insiders" have said he's not going to run if Trump does- and that he doesn't want to have to fight Trump, which I can't say I blame him. Trump does not play nice- and he ended like 20 Republicans careers back in the 2016 race, sh*t all over them and destroyed them- and then got most of them to be subservient to him once he got in office. It was astonishing to see to be honest with you.

I don't think Trump wants DeSantis as VP. He'll get Florida without DeSantis being on the ticket- Florida has officially turned red. He'd need someone who can help bring him an important swing state like PA or Michigan or Wisconsin or shockingly Georgia...all states which he lost in 2020.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16266 on: May 03, 2022, 08:31:33 PM »
Thats the reason why if leaking was a political move to help the dems it wont really be an issue
I disagree, I think it'll charge up the Dem base hardcore and send Dems out in droves to the polls and might even flip women that were on the fence that might've for sure voted Republican had this not been overturned but may now vote Democrat over this single issue.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #16267 on: May 03, 2022, 08:35:44 PM »
I think DeSantis would fare much better with the suburban white women.

Trump is a grotesque figure to a lot of women. The whole "grab her by the p*ssy" thing- his 3 or 4 marriages and the fact that he's cheated on every single one of his wives- and the Stormy Daniels pornstar scandal- he's a very scumbaggish easy to dislike guy for probably 99.9% of women and 100% of uppity suburban white women.

DeSantis isn't going to have any of those problems.
They view Trump as so toxic, I don't think they'd vote for anyone under his wing.

The best thing he could do, is go away, but he's too arrogant for that.  As most within an arms reach of the White House are.  Hell, how many times was Biden rejected by the elctorate, before, with nothing new on his resume,.still seeking the nomination?  And he's just got normal politician hubris.  Not Trump level hubris


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