Lol. Twitter is an absolute horseshit dogshit loser of a company. He'll never make money on it.
Twitter is a f**king peon compared to any of those companies.
Musk’s takeover of twitter isn’t about money; to him it’s worth losing much of those billions in order to gain private control to unclog and rebalance what is a very one-sided dialogue across twitter, which is the center point of the internet’s official-speak.
Even though only 3% of the U.S. population engages on twitter, that isn’t the point. Twitter’s leverage is that the crux of global journalism and global leadership uses the platform as the launch pad of their public messaging. All before this initial dialogue shapes and molds the front pages and cable news for the rest of the non-twitter population. And because of this, sudden wildfires of public outrage ends up ensnaring positions of power meant to otherwise remain detached from constant crisis.
As one-sided as twitter has become, this means that especially for journalists, the most agenda-driven narratives could not only be unified but also, if logically contested, be used as a point of contrast by which any disagreement could be accused as “hate-speech,” “bigotry,” etc. And because much of corporate America is on twitter, the mere non-responsiveness of their corporate accounts (Disney, Target, Boy Scouts) when such chaotic dialogues emerged could bring them under similar accusations of ““hate-speech,” “bigotry,” etc, which in turn could mount into a costly PR crisis.
Twitter has become a place where its ongoing narratives are leveraged to hold public officials and Fortune 500 CEOs under authoritarian accountability of increasingly more reactive narratives.