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Topic: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out

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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2380 on: February 03, 2021, 01:39:54 PM »
You're shyting me - I have a couple accts with them.Gotta tell you wasn't impressed when I jumped in with them - I took a beating - a year before 911 and that was @ 10% - I think
I started with them back in the 80s.  AAL days.  They've been berry berry goood to me.
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2381 on: February 03, 2021, 02:06:02 PM »
Ya they merged with LB and became Thrivent - like to be thriving a little bit more
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2383 on: February 03, 2021, 03:03:41 PM »
GME is back down under $100...

Hope the redditors aren't holding this bag all the way down.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2384 on: February 03, 2021, 03:09:55 PM »
ya just know that some of them are, and it's going to be very bad for those that do.
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2385 on: February 03, 2021, 03:18:38 PM »
My investment aim each year is to cover what I take out.  Back in March that looked sketchy, but I stayed the course.  This turned out to be a good year investmentwise, and I'm pretty well into cash eq.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2386 on: February 03, 2021, 03:31:02 PM »
So I’m clear, by tax deduction, you mean an actual tax deduction, not just not paying taxes on the principal now, correct? (I’m but a humble goon who has taken the standard deduction to this point in life)
I do not pay taxes on what I am contributing to my 401k, but will when I withdraw the funds.

With a Roth IRA, you pay taxes on the money now, but will withdraw it and any earning on it tax free in the future. 

as an example, if I am in the 24% tax bracket and I put $1000 in my 401K, I will save $240 on my tax bill this year
If I put it in a Roth IRA, I will be paying the $240 right now.

So I am now retired and in the 12% tax bracket when I withdraw the $1000 from my 401K, I will have a tax bill of $120
If I withdraw from the Roth IRA the money I pay no taxes. 

In this example I saved $120 by putting it in my 401K instead of a Roth IRA, not accounting for the time value of money.

The issue comes when I withdraw the earnings on what I have contributed.  There is a point where the current tax savings may be lower than future tax savings.    The wider the gap between current tax rates and future tax rates the more favorable to get the current deduction.   There is also the time before retirement element.  The long the time between the current deduction and retirement the better it will be for a Roth IRA.

IOW one size does not fit all.  I am very near retirement and in a higher tax bracket, so my personal calculation says put in my 401K not a Roth


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2387 on: February 03, 2021, 03:35:24 PM »
It's a good thing to gain some level of understanding of investments.  A really good thing, it can amount to hundreds of thousands over one's life, and I'm not talking about being able to time markets, just the basics.

Read "The Only INvestment Guide You'll Ever Need".  You need to know what an ETF is, and is not, what a fiduciary is, and why that's important, why annuities generally are as bad as time shares, why mutual funds generally don't outperform the market, etc.  I don't suggest individual stocks with anything less than $100 K.

Too lazy to do the work. I let my wife who works for a major brokerage firm handle the what to invest in, while I do the calculation on how much to invest and what vehicle to use


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2388 on: February 03, 2021, 03:53:26 PM »
Pro-Trump Attorney Lin Wood Faces Illegal Voting Investigation : NPR

Investigation into possible voter fraud in Georgia.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2389 on: February 03, 2021, 03:54:20 PM »
I recommend the Tobias book for anyone interested in getting a first level understanding of investing and finance in general, it's not all about stocks and bonds.

It's very readable.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2390 on: February 03, 2021, 04:07:51 PM »
Pro-Trump Attorney Lin Wood Faces Illegal Voting Investigation : NPR

Investigation into possible voter fraud in Georgia.

The devil went down to Georgia
He was lookin' for a soul to steal
He was in a bind
'Cause he was way behind
And he was willin' to make a deal
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2391 on: February 03, 2021, 04:17:35 PM »
Ya they merged with LB and became Thrivent - like to be thriving a little bit more
well, Thrivent performed at 13% last year compared to my Fidelity account at 14%

Fidelity has lower fees
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2392 on: February 03, 2021, 04:21:10 PM »
Does Fidelity manage that or you personally?
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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #2393 on: February 03, 2021, 04:25:16 PM »
The devil went down to Georgia
We may have the Devil up here in NE Ohio about 8 miles away from me
"Let us endeavor so to live - that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." - Mark Twain


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