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Topic: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out

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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4438 on: April 06, 2021, 10:58:21 AM »
Share of outstanding student debt held by households with different levels of educational attainment, 2016 and 2019

Share of student debt
Highest level of education of household head or spouse20162019
No college degree13%8%
Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2017, 2020), Survey of Consumer Finances 2016 and 2019, https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/scfindex.htm, calculations by the authors.

Seems like some rich folks like this idea ...


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4439 on: April 06, 2021, 11:15:00 AM »
Imagine a manager that doesn't see it.  It's a mismanaged fast food joint.  It goes out of business. 

Here, just this morning, I'm on my way to work, I'm going to get some drive-thru breakfast (because my health isn't important to me).  So I pull into a Burger King in the ghetto.  It's obviously open, perhaps for 5-7 minutes (6:37) and no one answers at the menu sign.  I pull around.  Honk gently.  A guy comes over - "the system is still booting up, it'll be a few minutes."
I leave, because I'm in a hurry.  That fast-food joint is mismanaged.  They should have someone there early enough to boot the system so that they're ready to take orders the minute they open.  I doubt the owner knows his "restaurant" is being handled this way.

A shitty joint like that isn't going to appreciate the good worker who is on time and does a good job, they're going to run him ragged, covering other, bad worker's shifts until he wants to quit.  It's called reality.  Try it, sometime.
Nice anecdote.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4440 on: April 06, 2021, 11:16:14 AM »
The American dream is why people risk their lives to cross that border. 

The American dream is dying as a caste system here develops.  The opportunities to grow are being crushed with each move away from capitalism and toward 'free'.  Ain't nothing free.  The flavor of free socialism offers costs you freedom.  Those atop the stack won't notice or care the opportunities are taken from those without stake to enter the game.  It makes it harder for those, if not impossible. 

I'd think it foolish to suggest some don't have advantages others do- and I haven't seen that suggested here, I'm just throwing it out there.  Some receive the ball on their opponents 10 yard line.. others on their own 10 yard line.  Even the mighty Bama would lose more games if yardage was subsidized, but even then people would seek out the product bama produces as its known to be superior to most... is that a pisser? Yeah it sure is, but you know what? Bama earned that, and it's now up to a team with luck as much as skill and determination to take that from them.

This isn't a American problem.  It's a dynamic that has existed long before- as in "always".  You can either sit around and complain about it, which seems popular to do while trying to get something for as little as possible, or, you can bust your ass and attempt to be prepared when an opportunity presents itself- and hope one does. 

It's the story of life... ain't no legislation going to change it.  It may alter it, but natural progression will win. 

"No law, written by man and which contradicts the laws of nature, will survive the test of time.". 


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4441 on: April 06, 2021, 11:32:13 AM »
The American dream is why people risk their lives to cross that border. 

The American dream is dying as a caste system here develops.  The opportunities to grow are being crushed with each move away from capitalism and toward 'free'.  Ain't nothing free.  The flavor of free socialism offers costs you freedom.  Those atop the stack won't notice or care the opportunities are taken from those without stake to enter the game.  It makes it harder for those, if not impossible. 

I'd think it foolish to suggest some don't have advantages others do- and I haven't seen that suggested here, I'm just throwing it out there.  Some receive the ball on their opponents 10 yard line.. others on their own 10 yard line.  Even the mighty Bama would lose more games if yardage was subsidized, but even then people would seek out the product bama produces as its known to be superior to most... is that a pisser? Yeah it sure is, but you know what? Bama earned that, and it's now up to a team with luck as much as skill and determination to take that from them.

This isn't a American problem.  It's a dynamic that has existed long before- as in "always".  You can either sit around and complain about it, which seems popular to do while trying to get something for as little as possible, or, you can bust your ass and attempt to be prepared when an opportunity presents itself- and hope one does. 

It's the story of life... ain't no legislation going to change it.  It may alter it, but natural progression will win. 

"No law, written by man and which contradicts the laws of nature, will survive the test of time.". 
But, at least you get the ball, with an opportunity to do something with it.

This is my whole point.

The way things seem headed could be detrimental to my solutions.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4442 on: April 06, 2021, 11:33:40 AM »
Nice anecdote.

Built on his sturdy foundation, lol.
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4443 on: April 06, 2021, 11:38:46 AM »
But, at least you get the ball, with an opportunity to do something with it.

This is my whole point.

The way things seem headed could be detrimental to my solutions.
Absolutely.  Some opportunities are out there and are completely disguised as pitfalls... somebody somewhere, either through vision that others lack or through necessity will identify that opportunity.  Yet there are opportunities galore that far outnumber the hurdles... it, in my humble opinion, is about positioning and being able to respond.  For many, who live a life defeated before they even begin, they'll identify the reasons they have no opportunities with the same vigor that would be better spent 'positioning' themselves.  Those who have spent a lifetime positioning themselves may not cash out as quickly or dramatically,  but... theyve given themselves every opportunity they could.  For those folks, I feel bad.  


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4444 on: April 06, 2021, 11:39:48 AM »
But, at least you get the ball, with an opportunity to do something with it.

This is my whole point.

The way things seem headed could be detrimental to my solutions.
I'm not sure you're taking into account the VAST difference between back in your day coming up and now.  None of the debts/costs have grown commensurate with the payoffs/salaries.  The ratio is insanely different then how it used to be, because those in power have made it so.  
I got dragged over the coals for suggesting we have a near slave class here, but what do you call Amazon's corporate earnings vs the earnings and quality-of-life of its warehouse workers?  No matter how radical that chasm was between Carnegie or Vanderbilt was with their workers, it's astronomically more so today.

And its not just Amazon, it's that trend across the board.  Want to better yourself with a college degree?  Look at the cost for that compared to in the past.  It's stupid.  
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4445 on: April 06, 2021, 11:41:19 AM »
 For many, who live a life defeated before they even begin, they'll identify the reasons they have no opportunities with the same vigor that would be better spent 'positioning' themselves.  Those who have spent a lifetime positioning themselves may not cash out as quickly or dramatically,  but... theyve given themselves every opportunity they could.  For those folks, I feel bad. 
I've been assured that those people either don't exist or simply need to try harder.  Because this is 1954 and everyone gets the payoff hard work provides.

“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4446 on: April 06, 2021, 11:44:23 AM »
We've all seen/heard the success story of the immigrant making good or the first-in-family college graduate owning a successful company, but those are noteworthy because they're rare!

Not a lot of feel-good news stories on the multitudes that it didn't become a success story WHILE efforting just as much or more as the few that did.  I really hate this invented narrative of the only thing holding you back is you.  Bullllllllllllll shitttttttttttttttt.  

Some of us don't want to accept the reality that our country isn't perfect and that everyone isn't given every opportunity to succeed.  How can someone so proud be so naive?
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4447 on: April 06, 2021, 11:53:27 AM »
I've been assured that those people either don't exist or simply need to try harder.  Because this is 1954 and everyone gets the payoff hard work provides.

You're blaming the times and the system. 


History is bound to repeat itself because the nature of man hasn't changed.  People are greedy and seek power over their environment- that ain't no secret.  In America, you have opportunities other nations citizens don't have. 

You can blame the times or the system, but those are both ever changing.  Nature of man doesn't.  There are just of not many many more opportunities now than ever before... time and effort was a massive barter piece 50 years ago as it took people to process materials, paperwork, logistics, et al... now, most of that is automated and people's time less of a barter piece for pay... now, it's about effectiveness and innovation.

I met a guy who was friends with my dad (better said my dad worked for him) when I was a kid.  I labored for him on his farm.  He's still likely the wealthiest person I ever personally knew.  He told me once "sell to the classes live with the masses; sell to the masses live with the classes"... that summed up his business approach.  Guess what? That is dead, now... with the advent of internet and communication, YOU can sell a college football board game.  Without it? Good luck.  With that board game that appeals only to a small segment of world population, you can make a reasonably successful side gig- where that effort would earn you squat without being able to find that market.  The rules changed.. as they always do.  How many people at the fast food joint are busting their asses producing and packaging board games in the wee hours and sending them across the globe for reasonable prices?  ......... 

Be careful with your response here... you've painted yourself into a corner. 


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4448 on: April 06, 2021, 11:55:01 AM »
Yes, in a fairy princess land where some people, largely due to their station in life and/or what base they were born on, face impossible to overcome obstacles over and over until they're subjected to a shit life of survival in a society that doesn't care.

But I'm sure I'm just making that up. 
Come to Maryvale in urban Phoenix and walk around telling people that all they have to do is truly want success for it to happen. 
Having your sidearm might come in handy.  But that's just them being violent against you, a positive-thinker, oblivious to the actual world. 
You are absolutely right. Simply wanting to be successful isn’t enough. It takes action, initiative, sacrifice, etc. If you asked me if I wanted six pack abs I’d tell you yes, but I’m unwilling to put in the necessary work to achieve that. And, yeah, I was probably born with some traits that make it harder for me to achieve that than others.

But, yes, your point is well taken. Badge’s message probably wouldn’t be well received by some. Once people make up their minds they can’t do something it’s very difficult to convince them otherwise.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4449 on: April 06, 2021, 11:58:25 AM »
You are absolutely right. Simply wanting to be successful isn’t enough. It takes action, initiative, sacrifice, etc. If you asked me if I wanted six pack abs I’d tell you yes, but I’m unwilling to put in the necessary work to achieve that. And, yeah, I was probably born with some traits that make it harder for me to achieve that than others.

But, yes, your point is well taken. Badge’s message probably wouldn’t be well received by some. Once people make up their minds they can’t do something it’s very difficult to convince them otherwise.
That word in that context is not in my vocabulary. Sorry.


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4450 on: April 06, 2021, 12:06:34 PM »
Can't = don't wanna
Can't = too hard
Can't = (sometimes) "it's being guarded by a friggin ferocious bear and it just ain't that important to me (and I don't wanna)". 

Can= it requires effort, attention, intent and TENACITY (to some degree).  

It's a personal decision, but I'd choose to live in a world of possibilities rather than one controlled by someone else.  Even in red Russia there were opportunities- had to go underground, but..  they were there. 

Speaking of which- Google x-ray records..  you're welcome.  

In red Russia a fella realized he could use old x-rays as a medium for pressing/cutting records.  He brought in music from around the world and sold them to people all over Russia.  This was strictly forbidden.  He was ultimately caught and sent to prison, but his innovation was copied by countless people and xray records became a thing amd earned those capable of making them a good little side kick.  

Innovation.  Effort.  Vision. Tenacity.  


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Re: OT-Catch all thread - Personal attacks will result in a time out
« Reply #4451 on: April 06, 2021, 12:32:13 PM »
That's why we need more immigrants


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