If I wanted to offend them and be an actual asshole, I have an avalanche of content for that. But that's not close to what happened here.
And sorry if I don't agree that playing along with a delusion shows maturity. Believers aren't 6 year-olds believing in Santa, they're 60 year olds voting in congress. Fuck that noise.
And that is where you miss the crticism of the idea and not necessarily the person. YES, believing in an invisible man in the sky that judges what you do and is especially concerned with what you do when you're naked is silly for any adult to believe. Just because 5 billion people believe it doesn't make it any less silly.
I'm not sure how criticizing a silly idea/belief is being an asshole. But since I'm outnumbered, I must be wrong. Right?
It isn't necessary to call religion a delusion nor to call the religious delusional nor to refer to religion as silly to get your point across, that is the A-hole part.
I've made this point before but I want to make it again. Sometimes
@OrangeAfroMan , I honestly suspect that you aren't really the leftist atheist that you appear to be because your posts are so abrasive that they are MUCH more likely to alienate and offend than they are to convince and persuade. Sometimes you end up sounding like a right-wing religious parody of yourself.
I abandoned that theory though because I noticed that this isn't limited to politics and religion, it is in YOUR personality. There are issues on which you and I generally agree. The status of G5's comes immediately to mind. Whenever we debate that on here, you and I are pretty much the extremists in the G5's are crap camp. You do the same thing there. Your posts are abrasive and tend to alienate and offend rather than convincing and persuading.
I mean this in the most constructive way possible:
If you would alter your style, you'd convince and persuade a lot more people. Seriously, when you and I agree, I want you to not post because I don't want you alienating people. When you and I disagree, I want you to post because you'll push people to my side every time you hit "Post". That isn't about politics or religion or G5's, it is about style.