Backdoor Roth backdoor Roth!
If you make too much for Roth ira.
Take an after tax dollar that you have. In your pocket, savings, checking, wherever. Open and Fund a Taxable IRA, try and do the max. $6500 for us young pups, $7k for those who can catch up Ira rules. Invest in cash. Wait a few days for it to settle and then convert the account to the Roth IRA. This is the 5498 form Badge mentioned. You will pay tax on any gains, which will be a penny or two at most.. Now you are free to invest in whatever you want in the Roth without paying taxes on future withdrawals.
Do the same thing next year and every year.
It's when you have a bloated, longer term IRA that you convert to a Roth, that you get socked with a big tax bill on gains. The backdoor method is a great punchbowl which I'm sure will be taken away.