I don't know what you mean by lobbyists. Marketing, yes, marketing obviously shapes our habits and lives. I'm rather familiar with it.
The term lobbyist comes from the Civil War and a certain hotel lobby in DC. The hotel is still there.
The wife doesn't like "Greek" yogurt and it is getting harder and harder to find anything else in the yogurt aisle. When I was a young man, yogurt was a very rare thing. I'd never had any until I dated a gal who made her own. This change was not because of some lobbyist but in part because of marketing and in part because people liked what they were selling. Marketing gets you started and can keep you extant and relevant.
My Mom used to deride people who would eat a Moon Pie and an RC Cola for breakfast. She was big on nutrition being a Home Ec major. Every day before school I had four fried eggs, a large plate of grits with butter, two pieces of toast, milk and OJ. On Saturday we had pancakes, with syrup, which is liquid sugar.
I was 16 when I had my first pizza. Seriously. I was 17 when I first ate Mexican food. Yes, I'm old as dirt. None of these trends were because of lobbyists.