Appliances these days are absolutely junk compared to the ones from the 70’s thru the 90’s. My parents and grandparents had the same washers and dryers for 20+ years. Same refrigerator, same stove. For decades. Everybody I knew had the same appliances the whole time we were growing up. My friends dad passed away awhile back, when I went to his house ( hadn’t been there in 10-15 years) they had the same refrigerator that had been there since the 70’s.
Myself, I only wish I could get 10+ years out of any washer or dryer. I did have a speed queen that lasted about 10 years, that I really loved and just replaced. I still have it, but I need to see if it’s worth fixing and then put it at my shop to wash work clothes etc.
We’ve been married for 23 years, and we’ve been through at least 3-4 refrigerators, 3-4 washers, 3-4 dryers.