You seem to be skimming my post instead of reading them. Not sure how else you would take my experiences living in Columbus, and reach the conclusion that I am prescribing those experiences to all 40 million Californians. This is just getting bizarre.
The initial statement was that people were leaving California because they were scared of being robbed at gunpoint.
There are a lot of reasons to leave California. That seems like an oddly specific one, and one that I've never heard before.
Utah has a violent crime rate of 2.36 per 1,000 residents. The national median is 4. California has a violent crime rate of 4.41 per 1,000 residents.
So admittedly, Californians are at a higher risk of violent crime than residents of Utah.
But California isn't a homogeneous place. It's a huge state of 40M people.
Orange County, where I live, has almost the same number of people as the entire state of Utah, and it has a violent crime rate of 2.0 per 1,000 residents--LOWER than Utah.
Maybe folks in Utah should move to Irvine where it's safe
What this really boils down to is one thing... In this thread and elsewhere on this board, we're constantly told that California is a shithole, that it is a failed state, that it's dying, that all businesses are fleeing as fast as they can, and now that California is overrun by armed muggers who will steal our money right before pimps drag our daughters off for sex trafficking, but they're going to take a dump in the street first.
And then I look outside my window... And I talk to other Californians... And it turns out the sky ISN'T falling.
Yet California just keeps getting blasted as a dystopian nightmare over and over and over, and when me or BAB argue that it's not really warranted because much of the state is pretty nice [albeit expensive af], we keep hearing the same litany of reasons why apparently what's right in front of our eyes is wrong and California is one step down from Haiti.