not sure what you mean by the first line above
The line in question is this: "And the Republicans want the cheap labor, as the Chamber of Commerce orders."
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the hundreds of local Chambers of Commerce want a steady flow of cheap-immigrant workers. They don't care about whether the immigrants are legal or not. They need those cheap construction workers and landscapers and nannies and poolboys.
The Dems want reliable future voters while the Repubs want current cheap labor. The Dems are smarter on this issue, as they will benefit politically in the long run. But the Republicans--and Trump--talk tough about illegal immigrants so they can get votes today, alienating even legal immigrants in the process. The GOP has positioned itself--deliberately or not--as not just opposed to illegal immigration, but as the anti-immigrant party.
Which is stupid, as immigrants are a big part of our future. Republicans can work to make America more welcoming to them, and more willing to assimilate them, or they can do what they are doing under Trump and leave them to the Democrats, who will tell them that America sucks and the only way that immigrants can survive the bigoted, hateful mass of white Americans is to lash themselves to the Democrats' wagon.
Polls have nothing to do with Trump they are from private sources mostly supported by MSM
I posted "Pols of both parties are in cahoots."
Pols are politicians.
You object to a Pres saying he can solve a problem
CW it looks to me like you just dont like the guy which is fine there are folks out there I dont like either
talk about a dictator man she fits that description
Every politician says he can solve a problem. Most of them, like Trump, can't deliver.
"Don't like the guy" is the least of the problem. The future of the country is the problem. I don't see any evidence that Donald Trump cares about the future of the country. He cares about himself and his family. His idiot children and children-in-law are lining up to take his place as arbiters of the GOP.
How is Pelosi a dictator? She's been either the Speaker of the House or the Minority Leader of the House for the last 20 years, but she's never been in an executive position. All she can do is influence legislation. And she does. And the result is usually bad from a conservative perspective. But that doesn't make her a dictator or even a would-be dictator. (I'm pretty sure that she's smarter than Trump, but that's not saying much.)