« Reply #394 on: November 30, 2017, 03:08:38 PM »
I just included Nebraska and PSU to reiterate that PSU, Nebraska and Tennessee were my #8-10 schools on my helmet list in some order, but that my list of true helmets is only 7 deep.
I could have just said, this helps reaffirm my belief that Tennessee isn't QUITE a helmet, and left it at that. There's a multitude of reasons, along with just gut feel, this debacle isn't making up my mind on it's own, it's just renforcing my already held belief.
i truly believe this; i'm not just trolling for response as i often do:
was a helmet between Fulmer and Kiffin. Kiffin's leaving them the way he did opened people's eyes- you DON'T do that to a helmet school... it's a 'destination location' and where you're expected to retire (or move on to the retirement league from, anyway).
His treatment of UT brought the notion forward, and not a little has happened to reinforce it. a LOT has.
so... you're right.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 03:10:36 PM by Drew4UTk »
