there is ALL GRADES of discourse... Davenport hired Currie instead of Blackburn, and the contention of boosters that wanted Blackburn (which certainly doesn't include the Haslam's) are seizing the opportunity to remove Currie and replace him with either Fulmer (as an interim) or Blackburn (as it likely 'should' have been from the start)...
there wasn't much case against Currie until Sunday, and it stands enough concern to wonder if the 'fans' and 'twitter' had as much to do with undermining Schiano as the pro-Blackburn boosters and their $$$ ties (read:influence) over the university/state.
at this point, well... no... long before this point this became the best 'murder mystery' of the year.
hollywood, who continues to play the same movie over and over, and remake those, ought to consult with the UT fanbase for story lines... i've said it at least five times here, let's make it 5+: it's a train wreck i can't look away from...