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Topic: 2018 Coaching Changes thread

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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #70 on: November 26, 2017, 08:25:11 PM »
they are hammering him all over twitter for covering up child rape when he was an assistant at Penn State. Apparently that's the reason they don't want him. Calling bullshit. They don't want him because he's not a sexy name like Jon Gruden
omg, this Tennessee thing is PRICELESS!!!  Student protests, but allegedly Schiano already signed a contract, so for UT to back out, they'd have to pay his buyout, lol
Hilarious!!!!!  All because the guy isn't Jon Gruden!!!!
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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #71 on: November 26, 2017, 08:28:21 PM »

Schiano himself might have a decent case for slander against college football writer Clay Travis who took the reins in railroading his hiring at Tennessee; just read through his twitter: https://twitter.com/ClayTravis

And to make matters even weirder, he advocates hiring Lane Kiffin back, what the hell is going on in Knoxville?

Clay Travis wants: 
Kiffen back, who already failed at UT, and every other place he worked. 
Petrino, let go for paying mistress 20k of school money.
Leach fired for mistreating players.
Sumlin who got video taped while being drunk.
I mean if your gonna claim Schiano isn't good enough for off field concerns, you prolly should have a better list of replacements than this...


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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #72 on: November 26, 2017, 08:33:43 PM »

Schiano himself might have a decent case for slander against college football writer Clay Travis who took the reins in railroading his hiring at Tennessee; just read through his twitter: https://twitter.com/ClayTravis

And to make matters even weirder, he advocates hiring Lane Kiffin back, what the hell is going on in Knoxville?

I got about a minute into it...What a piece of shit Clay Travis is.To tar & feather Schiano to Sandusky's crime is criminal in it self.Actually said Schiano was implicated.This is actually character assassination he's throwing shit against the wall and seeing what would stick.You could accuse anyone in/at Penn St.The way this asshole says it smuggly and with conviction is unbelievable.This is the type of shit that gets people killed - literally
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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2017, 08:34:06 PM »
I've told you multiple times that NEVER happened. Jfc.
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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2017, 08:36:45 PM »
you guys can believe what you want to believe, but nobody wants him because of his connection to penn state and during a period when players were play things, plain and simple.  some people still put principle above all... and i respect that.  

as i said before, had this been socialized via controlled release this entire thing could have been avoided- not only that people could have an opportunity to digest the possible hire, but also that the admin could have sampled the reaction.  

Currie basically hired a buddy- and Haslam was once again 'in for a ounce in for a pound' meddling with things he ought not be involved with.  it looks like it may not have been a MoA/MoU, which can be crumbled and tossed, but a binding contract offered by Haslam with the Universities backing (he was officially part of the committee) as long as two weeks ago... if that is the fact.... damn... just.......... damn. 

GS's affiliation with PSU from that era is incredibly unfortunate... he'll wear that shadow likely forever, especially in the Bible Belt- and fair or not, people not given an opportunity to think this through WILL react however they want to, and in this case.... damn.  

UT is an absolute mess.... 

I'm looking for somewhere to land... possibly New Mexico State or maybe Western Michigan- somewhere people have to ask "where?".... because this inferno just turned nuclear, and........ i'm about done with it.  

Brutus Buckeye

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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #75 on: November 26, 2017, 08:37:04 PM »
Sounds like he's lucky to have dodged that poop storm. 

I do hope Tennessee is on the hook for 20 mil. That's about twenty years, at his current pay rate. 


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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #76 on: November 26, 2017, 08:41:57 PM »
Schiano is guilty of one thing:  not being Jon Gruden.

This is what happens when a bunch of angry hillbillies wearing daisy orange get upset that their first choice for fooseball coach is too busy making beer commercials to give a damn about a place he spent 10 minutes in back in the late 80s.  

Sorry, you can't prosecute Shiano for the above crime.  But apparently, an AD can lose his job from flubbing this up so bad, lol.

This is amaze-balls ! ! ! ! !
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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #77 on: November 26, 2017, 08:43:57 PM »
I'm literally turned on right now....:1rij:
“The Swamp is where Gators live.  We feel comfortable there, but we hope our opponents feel tentative. A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous." - Steve Spurrier


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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2017, 08:44:25 PM »
and that is the curious part..... the winner here?  Greg Schiano.... 


lack of any type of professionalism, competent mismanagement of a fairly straight forward process, not knowing your own fanbase, and thinking they're the smartest men in the room.  

who in hell would want to go to UT now?  the DC of Montana State's brother's girlfriend's pen pal from the west indes?  


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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2017, 08:48:19 PM »
it is amazing, @OrangeAfroMan , but i wouldn't expect you to understand why they don't want Schiano.  Either a person can look past that, or, they can't.  if for some reason tOSU doesn't retain him, he ought to file suit against PSU himself- he'll have the $$$ it's apparent, and THAT will always hang around him fair or not.  not, obviously.... 


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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #80 on: November 26, 2017, 08:51:25 PM »
you guys can believe what you want to believe, but nobody wants him because of his connection to penn state and during a period when players were play things, plain and simple.  some people still put principle above all... and i respect that.  

as i said before, had this been socialized via controlled release this entire thing could have been avoided- not only that people could have an opportunity to digest the possible hire, but also that the admin could have sampled the reaction.  

Currie basically hired a buddy- and Haslam was once again 'in for a ounce in for a pound' meddling with things he ought not be involved with.  it looks like it may not have been a MoA/MoU, which can be crumbled and tossed, but a binding contract offered by Haslam with the Universities backing (he was officially part of the committee) as long as two weeks ago... if that is the fact.... damn... just.......... damn.

GS's affiliation with PSU from that era is incredibly unfortunate... he'll wear that shadow likely forever, especially in the Bible Belt- and fair or not, people not given an opportunity to think this through WILL react however they want to, and in this case.... damn.  

UT is an absolute mess....

I'm looking for somewhere to land... possibly New Mexico State or maybe Western Michigan- somewhere people have to ask "where?".... because this inferno just turned nuclear, and........ i'm about done with it.  
I just have a hard time with the selective version of their "principal" - given the the shit they defended when some of Butches players stood up against others for sexual assault. 
No credibility there.  Nothing against you- your a great member of this forum. But I think this is only partially related to that, and more it's not Gruden or someone like him.
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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #81 on: November 26, 2017, 08:51:46 PM »
It Happened. "I was hollering to get on the ball." - Todd Graham
Yes, he was shouting "FUMBLE! THAT'S A FUMBLE!" when it happened because HE GENUINELY BELIEVED it was a fumble. Your dishonest implication is he was telling his player to cheat, he directly ordered a player to cheat. There is video proof THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. Keep failing Ty, it's free amusement today.
I thought I settled my debts that night on the ride home
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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #82 on: November 26, 2017, 08:52:16 PM »
this is one reason ya don't fire the sitting coach until you have your next coach signed

and you put someone in charge of the hiring that won't incite the mob

Mike Riley wasn't a very popular choice 3 years ago, but come on man
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Re: 2018 Coaching Changes thread
« Reply #83 on: November 26, 2017, 08:54:46 PM »
hah, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself after this season as a Husker fan

but, I'm not a Vol fan, so I got that going for me
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