A few things I'm sure of right now:
1) Wisconsin has, to date, outperformed its fans' expectations, albeit against poor teams. But pitching two dominant shutouts, including scoring more points than yards allowed, has raised expectations.
2) Wisconsin hasn't played a quality team yet, so let's all just calm down for a minute.
3) Michigan has, to date, under performed its fans' expectations against two teams that raise the fans' eyebrows. It is 2-0, which is what really matters at this point in the season, but ain't no one happy with needing double overtime to beat a service academy at home--doesn't matter which service academy.
4) Michigan's defense hasn't been bad, nor has it been as dominant as one would expect from Michigan, particularly after last year. Michigan's turnovers have been bad. Really bad. Which has made the offense highly questionable as well.
5) More than any other team, Michigan has been Wisconsin's kryptonite, so while I am encouraged at the same time Michigan fans are discouraged, I take nothing about next Saturday's game for granted.
6) If Michigan wins next Saturday, all will be forgiven for Big Blue, at least as long as Michigan keeps winning.
7) If Wisconsin wins next Saturday, it will be great for the Badgers, but many people will discount it as Michigan having a down year.