there are things that happen in this world that defy explanation.
deer that i see all summer disappear right before bow season starts... as if they received an email or text alert or something... they were there, now they're not. they know.
that tool that i need that is rarely used- such as a three leg flywheel puller- is always underfoot and in my way. i can close my eyes and see it on my workbench, or top of roll-off box, or hanging from the top of the peg board frame... but when i need it? it pulls a Houdini.
my noggin' must process similarly but subconsciously... it knows it's CFB season- somehow.
things i parse reading here and the old site start making a lot more sense- like that deer who started smelling people on their trail suddenly recalls the danger of humans... and then there is this- that remote control i can see in my minds eye has disappeared- i know i loaned it to the woman in the absence of football- so, maybe she's to blame. but it isn't anywhere to be found.
and then there is this week zero thing.
me digs.
it let's my subconscious recall and set forth in motion the things that happen only during the football season. garden rakes that were in motion moments ago have been abandoned, and will be found in the garden in mid-to-late January, and i'll wonder how they got there (likely because my football sense triggered and i had little use for it at the moment, flushing it completely from memory).
i tell you what else is going on, though... i've got tons of work to do today both with the site and otherwise- but i gotta scratch a tradition- i gotta get something burning on the grill and a good cigar for the game we love.
week zero rocks, y'all.